“Rich dad, Poor dad” by Robert Kiyosaki Review

Rich Dad Poor Dad is Robert’s story of growing up with two dads — his real father and the father of his best friend, his “rich dad” — and the ways in which both men shaped his thoughts about money and investing. The book explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to be rich and explains the difference between working for money and having your money work for you

This is a business book, which more or less will give you an idea about how to get a better finical control over your life. This book may motivate you, but actually learn more about economy and how it works. 

There are some parts of this book where some people may think that Robert Kiyosaki is trashing highly educated people and the working class. But this isn’t the goal with this book, this book is written for people who wants to learn something but if you have negative attitude against this book or against learning something new possible then probably you misunderstand this book and think that the author is trashing highly educated people and the working class. 

This book may make you excited for learning more about about your financial future, which it needs to get a point for. 

This book also makes some points about how much the education system sucks now on days. Because students are learning about working for some else, and how to be the perfect lawyer, doctor, car mechanic etc. But the truth is that not ever student will be a lawyer, doctor or car mechanic.

However the investing advices in this book are pretty poor, because it the author makes it seem like investing in real estate and stocks like a very easy thing, but I can tell you (as someone who is for the moment learning about investing) that it is much more into investing than this book shows. 

But this book isn’t only about money, it is also about how we are taught to think; how we are programmed by schools, family, and friends to look at the rich as greedy no good bloodsuckers and opportunities as risks. 

This book makes us think about why we actually buy more clothes, jewelry etc than we actually need. But it also makes us think that the best way to actually make some cash is when we pay ourselves first. 

If you read this book close enough, you will notice that the best thing we can do is not giving up on our dreams and just find other ideas on how to achieve our goals.

The writing style is very simple, the whole book is about a very complicated topic but this book is written in a such way that everyone will understand almost everything. 

Many people will find this book hard to get into or something similar because you need to have some kind of motivation to read this book no matter if the motivation is about getting rich or simple just to learn something. 

This book have a lot of negative opinions but not think about them if you want to read this book, because every big idea or a popular person have these. Elon Musk have them, Jeff Bezos have them, Eminem have them, Kanye West have them, Barack Obama have them etc. I would give the advice to just read this book and make up your own mind. 

I give this book 5 / 5 

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