“The Awakening / The Struggle” By L.J. Smith Review

A DEADLY LOVE TRIANGLE Elena: the golden girl, the leader, the one who can have any boy she wants. Stefan: brooding and mysterious, he seems to be the only one who can resist Elena, even as he struggles to protect her from the horrors that haunt his past. Damon: sexy, dangerous, and driven by an urge for revenge against Stefan, the brother who betrayed him. Determined to have Elena, he’d kill to possess her. Collected here in one volume for the first time, volumes one and two of The Vampire Diaries, the tale of two vampire brothers and the beautiful girl torn between them.

This book contains the first and the second book in the “Vampire Diaries” series. Both of them I’ve already reviewed.

I found myself enjoying the first and second book. And they kept me wanting to continue reading this series. I enjoyed the second more than the first book maybe because we get much more vampire content.

The book series is much different than the TV show. But I don’t mind that because somehow I like the book series better but I still picture every character as the actor who played the character in the tv show.

The plot here in both books is YA style but I found myself enjoying it much more than I’ve expected.  The plot first and second book doesn’t take a lot of brain power. However the word “Vampire” wasn’t even once said in the first or the second book. Maybe in the third book it will happen.

The writing style in both books is very simple and easy just as the plot. And they play very good along in a way. 

I Give This Book 5 / 5

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