“Light of the Jedi” By Charles Soule Review

Long before the First Order, before the Empire, before the Clone Wars. Jedi lit the way for the galaxy in the High Republic. It is a golden age. Intrepid hyperspace scouts expand the reach of the Republic to the farthest stars, worlds flourish under the benevolent leadership of the Senate, and peace reigns, enforced by the wisdom and strength of the renowned order of Force users known as the Jedi. With the Jedi at the height of their power, the free citizens of the galaxy are confident in their ability to weather any storm. But even the brightest light can cast a shadow, and some storms defy any preparation.

This book is part of the “High Republic” storyline of Star Wars which takes place long before what we see in the movies. 

If you watched all the movies and TV shows and wonder what happened long before that then the High Republic books is the go to there. However if you didn’t read any High Republic books before or any Star Wars books before then this book might not be a go-to here. Because this book begins in the middle of action, and if you don’t have any context for it, then you won’t probably enjoy it as much.

This book is very good because it really pulls you into the plot line. I personally read this book during one sitting, yes the sitting was couple of hours long but it was worth it and at the same time I couldn’t stop reading it because this book completely pulled my attention.

The plot is very good. At from the very beginning it doest fail to grab you attention and focus because it begins in the middle of action. And there is a lot of things happening in this book, the action is very good, interesting, enjoyable and entreating. As a plus we also get some good lightsaber and spaceship action which really makes me love this book more.

The characters here are very good, they are almost as good as the OG characters like Leia, Luke, Obi-Wan etc. We don’t get a lot of characters in this book but the once we do get are very, very good which really makes up for not many characters.

There were 2 characters which I didn’t like as much as the rest but I still thought that they were okay.

The writing style here is very, very amazing. The writing style made me fall in love with this book more. The writing style here was perfect for this book. And it was like the author knew exactly what words to use to completely have me head over heals for this book.

The ending leaves us with more or less a cliffhanger, which really makes us grab the following book in the High Republic and keep reading.

I Give This Book 4 / 5

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