“After We Collided” By Anna Todd Review

Tessa has everything to lose. Hardin has nothing to lose… except her. Hardin will always be… Hardin. But is he really the deep, thoughtful guy Tessa fell madly in love with despite his angry exterior—or has he been a stranger all along? She wishes she could walk away. It’s just not that easy. Not with the memory of passionate nights spent in his arms. His electric touch. His hungry kisses.

Another book in the After series is finished. And I need to come clean here and say that with each passing book so far in this series I love this series more and more. Which is really strange because when I started reading this series I was expecting to hate it but it being two books deep in this series I love it more and more.

One of the reason why I love this book (and this whole series) is because it feels so real, and not like fiction. Hardin’s and Tessa’s relationship feels like a real life relationship and all of the characters feels like real human beings which is the reason why this book (and whole series so far) has me head over heels for it.

Both Tessa and Hardin gets more depth to them in this book than what they had in the first book. But they also become much more likeable. And you can truly see the changes which happen to them with each passing book in this series.

And the rest of the characters keeps improving from the first book just as Tessa and Hardin did. Which really makes me fall in love with this book (and this whole seres) more and more.

In this book we also get very little of Tessa’s mother which really makes me so glad, because I really hate Tessa’s mother because she is so manipulative and even more toxic than Hardin. And the less we get from Tessa’s mother the more happier I become.

In a way this book is much better than the first book in this series, because this book is the first book which made me cry couple of times which really never happened before.

This book have so many ups and downs that you really lose track of them. But in a way all of these ups and downs we get in this book make this book feel so much as real life which 

The writing style in this book is very easy and simple. Which really makes this book to a really quick read even thou this book has around 700 pages which depends on which version of this book you get.

This book is longer than the first book in this series. But the moment you get into it, it just flys by way to quickly. Because you get so sucked into the book that you can’t stop reading it and before you know it you have finished it. So if you loved the first book in this series as much as I did don’t be afraid of the bigger size of this book because it will be a very quick read.

This book is just as addictive as the first book, because even thou I wasn’t reading this book for days at end I couldn’t stop thinking about this book and what would happen next in this book. Which really happens rarely to me when it comes to being addicted to a single book.

This book took me longer time to finish than the first book because I read it slowly because I didn’t want the book to end because it was so fucking perfect.

The ending leaves us on a huge cliffhanger just as the first book did. But this time the cliffhanger doesn’t involve Tessa’s and Hardin’s relationship but something else which is closely related to Tessa. 

I Give This Book 5 / 5

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