“Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds” By Michael J. Knowles Review

Will we shut down drag queen story hour, or cancel Abraham Lincoln? For 170 years the First Amendment was compatible with prayer in public school How the atheists got the Warren Court to rule their way To this day, there’s a First Amendment exception for obscenity. What exactly is the argument that perverts’ teaching toddlers to twerk is not obscene?  Read Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds if you want to learn how to take the fight to the enemy.

This book is incredible, this book is fully worth reading because of so many reasons. After reading this book, Im gonna start recommending this book to anyone who would listen to my book recommendations. Because this book is a must read for everyone or at least must read for people who aren’t willing to let the left wing brainwash them.

The writing style in this book is amazing, its like Michael Knowles knows what words to use to exactly grab your attention from the first sentence. Only from the writing style we learn how sharp and intelligent Michael Knowles is.

This book is very well researched and put together to give us a lot of knowledge in just 250 + pages (depending on what version you get). 

I read this book in one day, even thou I needed to get some breaks while reading this book to think about what I just read before continuing. Because this book makes a lot of good points and it gives you a lot of valid information.

This book talks about a lot of things all from language, speech and political correctness all the way to the first amendment and what “freedom of speech” is according to the woke mob. Which is trying to make a Orwellian dystopia.

Micheal Knowles in this book shows how free speech is now controlled by the left and how the simplest human rights are turned and twisted by the left in a way which will suit them the best.

Michael Knowles also talks about how the cancel culture and the PC has taken root in the USA culture and how badly it affects Americans way of both thinking and behaving not only on the left but also on the right wing.

This book amongst other things shows us how the left have turned religions into a bad thing. 

Micheal Knowles gives us easy and simple explanation of how the left is shifting standards to undermine traditional American values in hopes to create a Orwellian dystopia. Where you who doesn’t agree with the angry mob shall be cancelled, lose your job and be trash talked.

At the same time, this book shows us how the left controls their followers and how they twist and change meaning of various words just because they thing that someone finds it offensive, even thou no one does.

This book has a lot of amazing points it makes, and it would be impossible to unpack them all in a single review.

I Give This Book 5 / 5

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