“How to Destroy America in Three Easy Steps” By Ben Shapiro Review

A growing number of Americans want to tear down what it’s taken us 250 years to build—and they’ll start by canceling our shared history, ideals, and culture. Traditional areas of civic agreement are vanishing. We can’t agree on what makes America special. We can’t even agree that America is special. We’re coming to the point that we can’t even agree what the word America itself means. “Disintegrationists” say we’re stronger together, but their assault on America’s history, philosophy, and culture will only tear us apart.

I can’t believe how much I loved this book, this book is incredibly well researched and written. It really blows my mind.

This book talks about a very important subject which of course is the problem of democrats wanting to destroy what America been fighting for over 250 years. And what made America special in the 19 century where huge masses of people were migrating to USA from all over the world.

In this book Ben Shapiro gives us a very good presentation Libertarian and conservative views on America for the past, present and the future. All the reason Ben Shapiro gives us in this book are very good explained and they make a lot of sense. However if you aren’t very politically interested or you don’t know a lot about politics and what was happening for the past couple of years this book might get over your head.

The writing style in this book is very amazing. And it really shows how intelligent and how good of a written Ben Shapiro really is.

This book gives a very on point narrative of what is happening in USA and how the media in the USA is trying to portray the entire country as racist and discriminating for people who are trying to trash all what America stands for and make it a communist country.

This book is very important to read, because is so very well written and even better researched. Because this book takes an academic approach to a lot of very important topics like cancel culture, how the left is trying to change the whole country to fit their agenda and so many other topics.

At the same time this book is very thought provoking and it will for sure make you think about couple of things in this book. Which really make love this book even more. Because it wants you to think for yourself and not force you think like the author does.

I Give This Book 4 / 5

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