“Maul: Lockdown” By Joe Schreiber Review

It’s kill or be killed in the space penitentiary that houses the galaxy’s worst criminals, where convicts face off in gladiatorial combat while an underworld gambling empire reaps the profits of the illicit blood sport. But the newest contender in this savage arena, as demonic to behold as he is deadly to challenge, is fighting for more than just survival. His do-or-die mission, for the dark masters he serves, is to capture the ultimate weapon: an object capable of obliterating the Jedi and conquering the galaxy.

Ive been telling this for years since the first time I’ve watched for the first time The Phantom Menace that Darth Maul is one the most underrated characters in the whole Cinema history. And this book book just how much he is underrated in the star wars movies and shows.

This book gives us a bigger background on Darth Maul, even thou we don’t get a lot of his background we get to see what he has been up to before the The Phantom Menace.

This book gives a lot of examples why Darth Maul is one of the best characters in the Star Wars universe, and why every time he is on the screen we get the chills run down our backs.

The writing style in this book is very incredible. It is like the author knows what words to use to grab our attention and not let it go until the very end of this book. Which I personally love when it happens in books.

In this book Darth Maul is send on a special mission to a prison by Darth Sidious to infiltrate a space station prison. Which was much more interesting than what it sounds like. 

This book gives Darth Maul his own voice and shows us how unique of a character he is. 

However this book starts slow but the action really picks up very fast. Which means that you won’t be bored for too long while reading this book. There is a lot of things happening in this book which makes to a very interesting and enjoyable read.

It might be a very personal opinion, but this book shows big time that the legends books in star wars are really the best book in the star wars universe.

I Give This Book 4 / 5

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