“Mengele” By Max Czornyj Review

Wydarzenia w tej książce są oparte na faktach. Prawda bywa bardziej przerażająca od najwymyślniejszej fikcji. Josef Mengele był nie tylko zbrodniarzem, ale również opętanym szaleństwem pseudonaukowcem, który więźniów obozów koncentracyjnych wykorzystywał jako żywy materiał do swych chorych badań.

Before we start this review it is important to say that this book is only available in Polish at the time of writing this year.

This book is very easy to read and understand. And at the same time having fun with it. Before getting into this book I thought that it would be very heavy to read and boring. But the truth about this book is that it is the opposite of it.

This book has some trigger warnings about it. Because it talks a little bit about the experiments Josef Mengele had done on twins, pregnant woman and sick people in the concentration camp. Which means that its not for everyone.

However reading about these experiments done by Josef Mengele truly sets the mod about how big piece of a shit Josef Mengele really was. However the way the author told us about these experiments done done Josef Mengele almost seemed like it was some kind of horror book rather than real life events.

But it is important tot remember that this book isn’t a 100% nonfiction book, the cover of the book itself says that it is “based on true events”. And we all know how far the term “based on true events” can go from the reality.

I personally liked this book so much that a part of me wishes that it would be longer than these 350 pages that it had. I read it in 2 sittings, because it short, the chapters are also short and the way it was written makes it even faster to read because all of these words just get consumed by your brain.

The writing style is very good, because it is simple and easy to read. And it was just like the author knew exactly what words to use to grab your attention and not let it go until the very end.

I Give This Book 4 / 5

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