“Directorate S: The C.I.A. and America’s Secret Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan, 2001–2016” BY Steve Coll Review

In the wake of the terrible shock of 9/11, the C.I.A. scrambled to work out how to destroy Bin Laden and his associates. The C.I.A. had long familiarity with Afghanistan and had worked closely with the Taliban to defeat the Soviet Union there. A tangle of assumptions, old contacts, favours and animosities were now reactivated. Superficially the invasion was quick and efficient, but Bin Laden’s successful escape, together with that of much of the Taliban leadership, and a catastrophic failure to define the limits of NATO’s mission in a tough, impoverished country the size of Texas, created a quagmire which lasted many years.

This book was so helpful when it comes to the 9/11 and the whole USA – Afghan situation after the attacks because it gives you a lot of behind the scenes info. I personally wasn’t so up to date with all the information involving 9/11 and what role the 9/11 played in the Afghan war but this book gives us a nice and clear view on what really 9/11 meant and how USA resolved the whole Osama bin Laden situation.

This book covers 15 years in 700 ish pages which means that these 15 years which this book covers aren’t super detailed and it focused on the same situation throughout the years and what happened after Osama bin Laden was excused. 

This book is filled with names & personages and many different government offices like NSF, NSC, ISI and ISAF and this is mixed with different military terms like MICLICs and APOBS which I personally needed to Google because I had no idea what they meant because I never been in the military or super interested in it. 

The writing style here was pretty good for the most part but there were times were the writing style was super advanced and I needed to take a second to think about it to actually fully understand what I’ve just read. 

There were some parts of this book which for me personally were super boring and there were some parts who h were super interesting for me. So for the most part this book for me was a half boring and half interesting. 

I Give This Book 3 / 5

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