“The Princess Diarist” By Carrie Fisher Review

When Carrie Fisher discovered the journals she kept during the filming of the first Star Wars movie, she was astonished to see what they had preserved–plaintive love poems, unbridled musings with youthful naiveté, and a vulnerability that she barely recognized. Before her passing, her fame as an author, actress, and pop-culture icon was indisputable, but in 1977, Carrie Fisher was just a teenager with an all-consuming crush on her costar, Harrison Ford.

Ever since I’ve found out that this book was in the process of writing, I was dying to read it. Because a die hard fan of star wars as I am, I need to get my hands on everything star wars themed and this memoir of Carrie Fisher who plays Leia was on that list.

A huge part of this book is about Carrie’s life while filming the first Star Wars movie. And there is a lot of talk about Carrie’s affair with Harrison Ford, but don’t get too excited because we only get fed a cracker on this without getting know much. But to be honest I didn’t know about Carrie’s affair with Harrison Ford until I read this book.

We get to know more about Carrie Fisher and her journey through the first star wars movie, and her thoughts on the process of becoming one of the well known actress almost over night after the first star wars movie was released back in 1977. 

The writing style here, was very easy and simple to read. Which really made this whole book to a quick read. 

In this book we get to read a little bit of Carrie’s journal which she kept while filming the star wars movie in 1976. Which was really amazing and fun to read. Because we get to learn what it was like to be a part of the greatest franchise of all time.

A part of me wished that this book was longer, and that we got the chance to read more of Carrie’s journal. which might be the reason for a low rating.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

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