“Fairy Tale” By Stephen King Review

Charlie Reade looks like a regular high school kid, great at baseball and football, a decent student. But he carries a heavy load. His mom was killed in a hit-and-run accident when he was ten, and grief drove his dad to drink. Charlie learned how to take care of himself—and his dad. Then, when Charlie is seventeen, he meets Howard Bowditch, a recluse with a big dog in a big house at the top of a big hill. In the backyard is a locked shed from which strange sounds emerge, as if some creature is trying to escape. When Mr. Bowditch dies, he leaves Charlie the house, a massive amount of gold, a cassette tape telling a story that is impossible to believe, and a responsibility far too massive for a boy to shoulder.

This book was for sure a very unique one. Because I wasn’t expecting the master of horror to get into fantasy but with this book he of course did.

The beginning of this book started really big and had big Psyho vibes. Which really made the trick for me to get me hocked. The beginning had strange accident,  mysterious old house, weird noises coming from the shed, an old dog and a teenager. 

The beginning had huge suspense in it, and from it alone I was expecting Pet cemetery 2 in a way. But of course it wasn’t it.  

Even thou it started really hot and big, the book went downhill from that point in my opinion. As you continue reading this book it will turn into a teenager’s adventure. Which wasn’t bad but it wasn’t that original. In a way this book really disappointed me in a way because I was expecting something more from Stephen King.

Charlie and Mr. Bowditch were good characters even thou I wasn’t the biggest fan of them. But the rest of the characters in this book were meh to be fully honest here. I personal remembered the rest of the characters as “Deaf-one”, “Blind-one” etc. Even thou they had names as you expect, I didn’t bother to remember their names because I found them boring and uninteresting. 

To be fully honest my favourite character in this book is Radar which is the old dog in this book. 

Even thou this book is an enjoyable read, it is at least 150 pages too long in my opinion. Because after you read the half of this book, it being to drag for far too long.

The writing style in this book was very good at the beginning but as the book continues the writing style in a way goes slowly downhill which really disappointed me. But I haven’t noticed it until I finished the book.

The ending was actually good, I didn’t expect it being so good because of 2 / 3 of this book being boring and somehow uninteresting for me. 

I Give This Book 3 / 5

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