“Great Expectations” By Charles Dickens Review

Great Expectations charts the progress of Pip from childhood through often painful experiences to adulthood, as he moves from the Kent marshes to busy, commercial London, encountering a variety of extraordinary characters ranging from Magwitch, the escaped convict, to Miss Havisham, locked up with her unhappy past and living with her ward, the arrogant, beautiful Estella. Pip must discover his true self, and his own set of values and priorities. Whether such values allow one to prosper in the complex world of early Victorian England is the major question posed by Great Expectations, one of Dickens’s most fascinating, and disturbing, novels.

This book really surprised me a lot because I was expecting to not like this one, but I found to actually be a pretty decent book. Even thou I am not the biggest fan of this book I still found it enjoyable and interesting at times.

It’s important to say that this book is far from Charles Dickens’s best work, however it isn’t the worst.

The plot here was quite interesting to be fully honest here, and there was something unique about it which really caught my attention. Even thou I need couple of breaks from this book while reading it, I still found it to be pretty good read.

The characters here were pretty good to be honest. I needed up liking some of them but at the same time there were characters which I totally didn’t care about. Which I can accept if there were some good characters as Philip “Pip” Pirrip, Estella and Miss Havisham. 

The writing style was very good in this one. I didn’t expect it to be that good but it was. This fact made me interested in reading more of Charles Dickens books.

After reading this book I understand why people love this book so much even thou I am far from loving this book.

I found this book to be very enjoyable and interesting at times which I haven’t expect happening but of course it did.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

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