“Before Watchmen: Comedian/Rorschach” By Brian Azzarello & J.G. Jones & Lee Bermejo Review

The controversial, long-awaited prequels to the best-selling graphic novel of all-time are finally here: Before Watchmen ! For over twenty years, the back stories of the now iconic characters from Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon’s landmark graphic novel have remained a mystery, until now. DC Comics has assembled the greatest creators in the industry to further paint the world of Watchmen , with this second volume starring two of the most polarizing anti-heroes ever, Comedian and Rorschach .

This Comic books has the same failures as the previous before watchmen comic we talked about.

To be very honest here this comics has to be one of the weakest comic books I’ve read so far but at the same time I haven’t read that many comic books so far.

This comic book was very boring and uninteresting. At the same time it was very confusing because each chapter was different things it felt like the chapters had no correlation with each other.

And the characters felt like the authors of this comic book just doesn’t give a shit about them and they were just there to fix up the illustrations and dialogue in this comic book.

This comic book is also a good example of why prequels always fail. Because going back to the original storyline and trying to re-write details never works but what it does is to piss of the fans of the franchise which this comic books is very good at.

I Give This Book 1 / 5

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