“The Double” By Fyodor Dostoevsky Review

In The Double, the protagonist, Golyadkin senior, is persecuted by his double, Golyadkin junior, who resembles him closely in almost every detail. The latter abuses the former with mounting scorn and brutality as the tale proceeds toward its frightening denouement. Characteristic Dostoyevskyan themes of helplessness, victimization, and scandal are beautifully handled here with an artistry that qualifies the story as a small masterpiece.

Why is it so hard to find a Dostoevsky book which I will actually enjoy? 

As you may expect I didn’t like this book a lot, I think it was okay to read but unfortunately nothing more than that.

The beginning and middle of this book were quite interesting. But the more you get closer to the end, the worse this book becomes in my opinion. The middle was really got to grab your attention but the longer to further into this book you got the more confusing it got. 

The ending went really down the hill in this book. Because there was a lot of things happening and well the writing style doesn’t make it better. The ending in a way left me confused and not knowing what to think about this book. Because it was all over the place in my opinion. 

The writing style in this book was very heavy, and as someone who isn’t accustomed to read so heavy books I got a little confused at times. But still in overall opinion it was really Dostoevsky to write in such a heavy way.

The plot in this book is a little all over the place, and well it was for sure very unique. The plot in this book will for sure leave you scratching your head over it that’s what at least happened to me.

The main character in this book overused way too much the person’s name to whom he is speaking when he is speaking to that person. He is also in need of medical treatment. 

And the rest of the character were really a blur, because they were there but we didn’t get to know a lot about them. So I really can’t say a lot about them.

The narrator here is a odd one for sure. Because the narrator is all over the place and is very unreliable. And this in a way leaves us in a unsure state about the main character in this book.

Even thou I wasn’t the biggest fan of this book, I see what Dostoevsky was trying to do here. 

I Give This Book 2 / 5

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