“The Right Side of History: How Reason and Moral Purpose Made the West Great” By Ben Shapiro Review

Human beings have never had it better than we have it now in the West. So why are we on the verge of throwing it all away? In 2016, New York Times bestselling author Ben Shapiro spoke at the University of California–Berkeley. Hundreds of police officers were required to protect his speech. What was so frightening about Shapiro? He came to argue that Western civilization is in the midst of a crisis of purpose and ideas; that we have let grievances replace our sense of community and political expediency limit our individual rights; that we are teaching our kids that their emotions matter more than rational debate; and that the only meaning in life is arbitrary and subjective. 

This book is very interesting and quick to read. I read it in one sitting because I couldn’t pull away from it.

However it wasn’t the best work from Ben Shapiro I need to admit that. 

This book is about .History, religion, American politics, Greek philosophy but it mostly talks about all of these things in the context of Judeo-Christian society and its norms. Which really disappointed me a little bit because I wasn’t expecting something more thought proving from Ben Shapiro. 

The writing style in this book was very good. And it shows how intelligent Ben Shapiro really is. Which really made me give this book some points in credit.

And solely from the writing style you can tell how much time and effort Ben Shapiro put into writing this book.

Some of the philosophical concepts Ben Shapiro makes in this book are difficult to understand at once. So you will need to take some time to truly think about them to understand them.

I need to admit that after reading this book, like I just took an very intense class about Judeo-Christian society. Ive learned something from this book but there were moments while reading this book which really made me bored and tired.

Some of the descriptions in this book gets a little bit lengthy, and it really made me uninterested at times. I feel like the lengthy descriptions should be shorter.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

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