“Gerald’s Game” By Stephen King Review

A game. A husband-and-wife game. Gerald’s Game. But this time Jessie didn’t want to play. Lying there, spreadeagled and handcuffed to the bedstead while he’d loomed and drooled over her, she’d felt angry and humiliated. So she’d kicked out hard. Aimed to hit him where it hurt. And now he was dead – a coronary – on the floor. Leaving Jessie alone and helpless in a lakeside holiday cabin. Miles from nowhere. No-one to hear her screams.

In my opinion this books isn’t one of the best Stephen King’s books. Don’t get me wrong, this book is interesting but as a die-hard fan of Stephen King I was expecting something different.

This book had some interesting moments here and there, but for the most part I found myself not caring about it.

After I finished reading this book I started thinking that we could easily delete 40% of this book and it would somehow become better. Because most of this book isn’t that interesting and at times it seems like to drags for far too long.

The most interesting part of this book was the very end. Which really made me gives this book a higher rating than I first wanted to. There was something very satisfying about the ending which really made me happy that I didn’t give up on this book.

The plot in this book is for sure very unique. When I read the summary of this book I wasn’t sure if I wanted to read this book because it seemed so boring and flat to me. But after having read this book I am actually happy that I read it.

The plot contains a married couple going to a secluded house to have a lot of kinky sex, but it doesn’t go far because the husband dies after handcuffing his wife to the bed. Pretty bad timing I would say. But there was something about the whole situation which the wife have gaunt herself in which made me intrigued and made me want to read to the end to see what will happen with her.

The characters in this book are very very good. But this fact doesn’t surprise me because it was written by Stephen King. And that guy is the mastermind of writing incredible character even if the plot isn’t that good.

The writing style here was of course very good, because it was written by Stephen King. For me the writing style made this book better for me. Because it was like Stephen King knew what words to use here to grab my attention.

I Give This Book 2 / 5

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