“Ugly Love” By Colleen Hoover Review

When Tate Collins meets airline pilot Miles Archer, she knows it isn’t love at first sight. They wouldn’t even go so far as to consider themselves friends. The only thing Tate and Miles have in common is an undeniable mutual attraction. Once their desires are out in the open, they realize they have the perfect set-up. He doesn’t want love, she doesn’t have time for love, so that just leaves the sex. Their arrangement could be surprisingly seamless, as long as Tate can stick to the only two rules Miles has for her.

I need to admit that after trying to read this book, I will stop listening to Book Tok and taking book recommendations from it. Because all the books give picked up after watching videos about it on Tik Tok were absolutely trash, and 50% of them I couldn’t even finish because they were so bad in my opinion.

Its important to say before we officially begin this review, that I ended DNF-ing this book after having read 57% of it. I just couldn’t torture myself longer with this book.

The beginning of this book was actually interesting and somehow enjoyable, but the further you got into this book the worse and worse it became.

Even thou I’m not a fan of Colleen Hoover, Ive read some of her books before this one, and I can tell you that it felt like it wasn’t written by her but rather by a horny teenage girl. Yeah it was that bad.

The premise of this book had potential but the author didn’t use it, which really pissed me off because as I’ve said above I liked the beginning of this book but the further and further I go tin to this book I’ve started to lose more and more hope for this book.

The writing style in this book was surprisingly bad even for Colleen Hoover, which really surprised me a lot because I wasn’t expecting so bar writing style even from my least favorite author I’ve ever come across (so far).

The two main characters which were Tate and Miles were actually okay and likable. But they weren’t the strongest and best characters ive seen. In this book as in any other book written by Colleen Hoover, she makes obvious that she needs a lot to work on her skills of making good characters.

I personally didn’t like Tate so much, because she had absolutely no self respect. And she had let Miles and everyone else in this book treat her as a sex object or a punching bag

When it comes to the rest of the characters in this book then I have to say that I cant name any of them, because felt like the same character with the same personality in just different clothes.

There is also a fair amount of sexist things said and done in this book especially by one of the characters which was so miserable and annoying. 

I Give This Book 1 / 5

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