“Peter Pan” By J.M. Barrie Review

Peter Pan, the mischievous boy who refuses to grow up, lands in the Darling’s proper middle-class home to look for his shadow. He befriends Wendy, John and Michael and teaches them to fly (with a little help from fairy dust). He and Tinker Bell whisk them off to Never-land where they encounter the Red Indians, the Little Lost Boys, pirates and the dastardly Captain Hook.

I need to admit that I never was fairytale child when I was a kid, so picking up this book as an adult might not have been the best choice. Which might be the reason why I gave this book so low rating.

This book didn’t have a huge appeal to me like some other classic books for children as “the wonderful wizard of oz”, but Im glad that I finally read it because this book has been laying on my TBR for couple of years now.

The characters here was on the bad side if you ask me. Wendy was very annoying and Peter here was really a shallow character. When it comes tot the side characters in this book they were even worse than Wendy and Peter. All of the side characters were way to similar to each other and you couldn’t set them apart and say who is who here because they felt like the same character.

There are times where I had to push myself through this book, because I just couldn’t get into the plot. 

For me personally this book was more on the uninteresting because as said before I was never a fairy tale person.

This book is best suited for young children, so if you have a child who likes to read or you are trying to make your child pick up reading then this book is a good choice.

I Give This Book 2 / 5

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