“Mile 81” By Stephen King Review

At Mile 81 on the Maine Turnpike is a boarded up rest stop on a highway in Maine. It’s a place where high school kids drink and get into the kind of trouble high school kids have always gotten into. It’s the place where Pete Simmons goes when his older brother, who’s supposed to be looking out for him, heads off to the gravel pit to play “paratroopers over the side.” Pete, armed only with the magnifying glass he got for his tenth birthday, finds a discarded bottle of vodka in the boarded up burger shack and drinks enough to pass out.

This short story is included in the “The Bazaar of Bad Dreams” which I’ve already reviewed not so long ago. 

I really wanted to like this short story, because I’ve heard so much good about it, but after reading this short story, I cant honestly say that I had liked it which of course I didn’t.

This short story had a good premise, but just the way it was presented was really really bad.

After reading this short story, I need to say that this short story would be best suited for a grade school kid rather than an adult. Just because it wasnt scary as much as you would think.

The character are very very disappointing. Because if you think about Stephen king you think about his ability to create very good characters, which didn’t happen in this short story.

The characters in this short story are very predictable, uninteresting, boring and very very annoying. Which really surprised me here because they didn’t feel like they were written by Stephen King but rather b someone who tried to impersonate him.

The plot here as said above, had good premise but it dragged for far too long and the longer in continued then the less fun this short story worked become. 

The ending here was probably the best thing about this short story, it wasn’t the best don’t get that wrong. But it still was better than the rest of this short story.

I Give This Book 1 / 5

“Secret Window, Secret Garden” By Stephen King Review

Recently divorced writer Mort Rainey is alone at Tashmore Lake–that is, until a figure named John Shooter arrives, pointing an accusing finger.

This short story was one of 4 short stories in “Four Past Midnight” written by Stephen which I’ve reviewed already, but it was a review about the book as a whole rather than about each of those 4 short stories. So thats why we are here today to talk about this one.

Its important to say that short stories written by Stephen King doesn’t work for me for whatever reason which I cant really name for some reason.

Here we go again another bad short story by Stephen King. This one is also the last short story included in “Four Past Midnight”.

This short story isn’t as much a horror short story as much as it is a mystery short story. But the mystery here was almost not existing in this short story, because you could tell what would happen next and the mystery here was very obvious. 

The plot here had for sure its good moments which were rare, and in general the whole short story was more on the boring site than anything else. At the same time the plot was very repetitive, and it would mention the same things over and over again. Which really annoyed me. 

The ending hadn’t had the big twist at the end, because you could tell how this short story would end, just 2 or 3 chapters into this short story. Which really proves how bad the build up and the mystery was.

Th writing style here was not so bad as in the 3 other short stories which are included in the “Four Past Midnight”. But it still wasn’t on the Stephen King level which ive expected from the short story.

The characters in this short story, has the same problems as in the 3 remaining short stories which are included in “Four Past Midnight”. Which means that they were very flat, uninteresting, boring and very shallow characters.

I Give This Book 1 / 5

“The Langoliers” By Stephen King Review

On a cross-country, redeye flight from Los Angeles to Boston, ten passengers awaken in Bangor, Maine, to find that the crew and most of their fellow passengers have disappeared. The airport shows no signs of life. Yet they hear “radio static” in the distance. Craig Toomey, an irritable investment banker on the verge of a breakdown, believes it is “The Langoliers,” monsters he was afraid of as a child who attack those who waste time. It’s mystery author Bob Jenkins who first theorizes that they have flown through a time rip. Bob declares they have entered a place that forbids time travelers to observe or interfere with past events. It turns out that Craig is right, in a way. 

This short story was one of 4 short stories in “Four Past Midnight” written by Stephen which I’ve reviewed already, but it was a review about the book as a whole rather than about each of those 4 short stories. So thats why we are here today to talk about this one.

Its important to say that short stories written by Stephen King doesn’t work for me for whatever reason which I cant really name for some reason.

I gotta say, that with this short story, Stephen King has hit a whole new low with his short stories. Because of many reasons which we will talk about in this review.

The plot in this short story in my opinion is so over used. If you don’t know, this short story is about a flight and some bad things happening on that flight.

I personally feel like there are so many books about flights which go down the hill, and this point I’m very, very tired of it. But again thats just something personal.

The characters in this short story are very very flat, shallow and very predictable. It really was a huge surprise to me how bad the characters in this short story were, because this short story was written by the master of horror, who know how to create very good characters.

The writing style in this short story didn’t feel like it was written by Stephen King, which really made me angry.

The ending here was awful, because this short story was building the tense vibe if you will to the big ending, which didn’t happen after all.

I Give This Book 1 / 5

“The Sun Dog” By Stephen King Review

The dog is loose again. It is not sleeping. It is not lazy. It’s coming for you. Kevin Delavan wants only one thing for his fifteenth a Polaroid Sun 660. There’s something wrong with his gift, though. No matter where Kevin Delevan aims the camera, it produces a photograph of an enormous, vicious dog. In each successive picture, the menacing creature draws nearer to the flat surface of the Polaroid film as if it intends to break through. When old Pop Merrill, the town’s sharpest trader, gets wind of this phenomenon, he envisions a way to profit from it. But the Sun Dog, a beast that shouldn’t exist at all, turns out to be a very dangerous investment.

This short story was one of 4 short stories in “Four Past Midnight” written by Stephen which I’ve reviewed already, but it was a review about the book as a whole rather than about each of those 4 short stories. So thats why we are here today to talk about this one.

Its important to say that short stories written by Stephen King doesn’t work for me for whatever reason which I cant really name for some reason.

This short story had a good premise for a horror short story, but the way it was presented was awful.

To be honest this short story was far too long, and it really was a torture reading this one just because of the reason that it was too long. It would have been better if it was a 10 pages short story. 

The plot was very boring and uninteresting, and I wasn’t expecting so bad plot from Stephen King.

The characters here were very predictable, boring, flat and very very uninteresting. 

The writing style here was also surprisingly bad for Stephen King. It didn’t feel like it wasn’t written by the master of horror himself.

I Give This Book 1 / 5

“The Bazaar of Bad Dreams” By Stephen King Review

In this collection, Stephen King once again assembles a generous array of unforgettable, tantalizing tales. There are thrilling connections between these works – themes of morality, the afterlife, guilt, and what we would do differently if we could see into the future or correct the mistakes of the past. Magnificent, eerie, and utterly compelling, these tales are a fine gift to readers everywhere.

This book is a collection of short stories written by Stephen King. Its important to say that this book includes a lot of short stories which have been published before, so there were very little new short stories in this book.

All of the short stories in this book are very uninteresting and boring. The best way to describe them is that Stephen King tried to be similar to some of his older short stories which people liked but failed a lot on this task.

The plot in those short stories were very flat, and there too short to actually understand what was happening or make us care for the characters. 

The characters in this book really surprised me here, because they were very flat, uninteresting and boring. But also the dialog between the characters were very mundane.

After every short story in this book, Stephen King adds some notes to every short story. In my opinion, these notes were very distracting because those notes would give us information we didn’t need to know and it pretty much killed the small amount of eerie vibe those short stories had.

The only place I saw this book in a store, was on the airport, and of course on that trip I forgot to take a book with me so I needed to buy one in the airport. And this book was I went with. And I truly regret spending my money on this book and my time.

I Give This Book 1 / 5

“Ugly Love” By Colleen Hoover Review

When Tate Collins meets airline pilot Miles Archer, she knows it isn’t love at first sight. They wouldn’t even go so far as to consider themselves friends. The only thing Tate and Miles have in common is an undeniable mutual attraction. Once their desires are out in the open, they realize they have the perfect set-up. He doesn’t want love, she doesn’t have time for love, so that just leaves the sex. Their arrangement could be surprisingly seamless, as long as Tate can stick to the only two rules Miles has for her.

I need to admit that after trying to read this book, I will stop listening to Book Tok and taking book recommendations from it. Because all the books give picked up after watching videos about it on Tik Tok were absolutely trash, and 50% of them I couldn’t even finish because they were so bad in my opinion.

Its important to say before we officially begin this review, that I ended DNF-ing this book after having read 57% of it. I just couldn’t torture myself longer with this book.

The beginning of this book was actually interesting and somehow enjoyable, but the further you got into this book the worse and worse it became.

Even thou I’m not a fan of Colleen Hoover, Ive read some of her books before this one, and I can tell you that it felt like it wasn’t written by her but rather by a horny teenage girl. Yeah it was that bad.

The premise of this book had potential but the author didn’t use it, which really pissed me off because as I’ve said above I liked the beginning of this book but the further and further I go tin to this book I’ve started to lose more and more hope for this book.

The writing style in this book was surprisingly bad even for Colleen Hoover, which really surprised me a lot because I wasn’t expecting so bar writing style even from my least favorite author I’ve ever come across (so far).

The two main characters which were Tate and Miles were actually okay and likable. But they weren’t the strongest and best characters ive seen. In this book as in any other book written by Colleen Hoover, she makes obvious that she needs a lot to work on her skills of making good characters.

I personally didn’t like Tate so much, because she had absolutely no self respect. And she had let Miles and everyone else in this book treat her as a sex object or a punching bag

When it comes to the rest of the characters in this book then I have to say that I cant name any of them, because felt like the same character with the same personality in just different clothes.

There is also a fair amount of sexist things said and done in this book especially by one of the characters which was so miserable and annoying. 

I Give This Book 1 / 5

“November 9” By Colleen Hoover Review

Fallon meets Ben, an aspiring novelist, the day before her scheduled cross-country move. Their untimely attraction leads them to spend Fallon’s last day in L.A. together, and her eventful life becomes the creative inspiration Ben has always sought for his novel. Over time and amidst the various relationships and tribulations of their own separate lives, they continue to meet on the same date every year. Until one day Fallon becomes unsure if Ben has been telling her the truth or fabricating a perfect reality for the sake of the ultimate plot twist.

I need to admit that I DNF-ed this book very fast because it was so bad and it was a torture reading this book.

The plot in this book is for sure unique but that uniqueness doesn’t work for this book as you would think. Instead it drags this book to hell.

The plot had a lot of potential and very good premise but the way it was presented to us was so horrible and turned a good premise of a plot into a trash.

The characters here in this book are hard to talk about. Because the main male character did and say a lot of questionable things, which wont go with majority of the population. 

After thinking about this book for couple of days, I need to admit that this book is very topic and problematic in a lot of ways.

The writing style here was very, very bad. And I really don’t have words to describe how bad the writing style was in this book. It was cringy and the fact that a full grown adult has written this makes it so much more cringy. 

I Give This Book 1 / 5

“You Should See Me in a Crown” By Leah Johnson Review

Liz Lighty has always believed she’s too black, too poor, too awkward to shine in her small, rich, prom-obsessed midwestern town. But it’s okay — Liz has a plan that will get her out of Campbell, Indiana, forever: attend the uber-elite Pennington College, play in their world-famous orchestra, and become a doctor.

This book is a good example on why you should trust Tik Tok on anything especially on the books topics. Ive seen this book going around on Bok Took since it first came out, and let me be honest with you this book isn’t worth all recommendations which it gets nor is it worth your time or money which you will spend on this book.

The whole book revolves about high school prom, I personally were never a fan of high school proms or high school in general, so of course having the main topic of this book being high school prom wouldn’t go well with me.

The plot in this book was very boring and uninteresting, and at a lot of moment sit was very cringy, as you would expect from a book revolving around high school prom.

The characters in this book were very generic characters, and they felt like the same character because they didn’t have personality or anything which would make them stand out from the rest of the characters. 

There was one character which was always around, but still I cant remember who she was or what was her deal with always being around. She was very annoying and sort of a creep because she always there when anything happened at the high school.

All of the characters in this book are also very inconsistently written, that it starts to be funny. Because there were a lot of moments where 2 characters would have this huge fight over something stupid and then in the next sentence they would be best friends and instantly forget about the fight they just had.

All of the character are like 16- 17 years old but they seem like 6 and 7 year olds because they are immature and silly and joking about stupid things all the time. 

The writing style here was very horrible, even for a Young adult book. Its hard to explain it because you could see that the author was trying at least to have good writing style but it just didn’t happen here

I Give This Book 1 / 5

“Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy” By John le Carré Review

It is now beyond a doubt that a mole, implanted decades ago by Moscow Centre, has burrowed his way into the highest echelons of British Intelligence. His treachery has already blown some of its most vital operations and its best networks. It is clear that the double agent is one of its own kind. But which one? George Smiley is assigned to identify him. And once identified, the traitor must be destroyed.

Maybe its my fault that I gave this book so low rating because starting at the 5th book in a series, is not a good choice. But to my defense I got this book as a gift and I didn’t know it was part of a series until I got started reading it.

Its important to say that I DNF-ed this book. Because I just couldn’t get into it, and reading it felt like a torture for me personally. I DNF-ed this book about half way in and what I can tell you about the plot is that it is a guy sitting at his desk all the time and looking through his papers.

The writing style and the language felt very foreign even thou it was written in English. The fact that this book was published in 1974 might have something to do with this fact.

As for the writing style itself I can say here is that is very badly written and really you will get tortured while reading this book because of the writing style-

The reason why I’ve tried to read this book in the first place is because I’ve heard that this book was the best spy book of all time. Which for me personally was far from the truth. 

The other thing about this book is that it contains a lot of British words and terms as well as spy terms which aren’t explained at all. Which means that you have to look them up on the Internet which for me personally is a huge no-no.

When it comes to the plot in this book, its all but straight going. The plot in this book is boring, very confusing and very uninteresting. The plot is very difficult because when you first start reading this book you don’t have any clue about what is happening. And when you start the get the hang of the plot, all you get is the main character sitting at his desk and reading his papers.

The characters in this book are very flat and very uninteresting. I just couldn’t get myself to care about any of the characters in this book. Because they don’t have any character or any personality. 

I Give This Book 1 / 5

“Orlando” By Virginia Woolf Review

‘The longest and most charming love letter in literature’, playfully constructs the figure of Orlando as the fictional embodiment of Woolf’s close friend and lover, Vita Sackville-West. Spanning three centuries, the novel opens as Orlando, a young nobleman in Elizabeth’s England, awaits a visit from the Queen and traces his experience with first love as England under James I lies locked in the embrace of the Great Frost. At the midpoint of the novel, Orlando, now an ambassador in Constantinople, awakes to find that he is now a woman, and the novel indulges in farce and irony to consider the roles of women in the 18th and 19th centuries. As the novel ends in 1928, a year consonant with full suffrage for women. Orlando, now a wife and mother, stands poised at the brink of a future that holds new hope and promise for women.

Here we go again talking about a classic which didn’t work for me. Even thou 99% of the classic books I read don’t work me, I sometimes stumble across amazing books as “The Great Gatsby”. But this book is very far from that in my opinion.

Even thou I didn’t have a lot of exceptions for this book, I still managed some how to get disappointed in this book. I hear a lot of both good and bad about this book. And after having reading this one I can honestly say that it is truly bad in my opinion. 

The copy I got of this book has 298 pages, and all of these pages were descriptions of things that were happening and doing so the author of this book forgot about the plot. 

The plot in this book is almost none existing, I write this book 2 days after finishing this book and I can fully say that I don’t know what this book was about because the amount of descriptions in this book over rule the plot in this book.

However the writing style in this book was very very good which truly made me happy because it was the only good thing about this book in my opinion.

When it comes to the characters in this book, I can tell you that they are very flat, boring and you wont remember them after finishing this book. Even during reading this book I couldn’t name even one character that was in this book.

A lot of people on the internet call this book “the longest and most charming love-letter in literature”, but if I received a love letter like this, I would beat the shit of the person who wrote that letter to me. Because it was so awful and it didn’t make any sense to me.

This book was my first book written by Virginia Wolf, and if the rest of her work are like this one, I wont continue my adventure with her work. 

I Give This Book 1 / 5