“The Right Side of History: How Reason and Moral Purpose Made the West Great” By Ben Shapiro Review

Human beings have never had it better than we have it now in the West. So why are we on the verge of throwing it all away? In 2016, New York Times bestselling author Ben Shapiro spoke at the University of California–Berkeley. Hundreds of police officers were required to protect his speech. What was so frightening about Shapiro? He came to argue that Western civilization is in the midst of a crisis of purpose and ideas; that we have let grievances replace our sense of community and political expediency limit our individual rights; that we are teaching our kids that their emotions matter more than rational debate; and that the only meaning in life is arbitrary and subjective. 

This book is very interesting and quick to read. I read it in one sitting because I couldn’t pull away from it.

However it wasn’t the best work from Ben Shapiro I need to admit that. 

This book is about .History, religion, American politics, Greek philosophy but it mostly talks about all of these things in the context of Judeo-Christian society and its norms. Which really disappointed me a little bit because I wasn’t expecting something more thought proving from Ben Shapiro. 

The writing style in this book was very good. And it shows how intelligent Ben Shapiro really is. Which really made me give this book some points in credit.

And solely from the writing style you can tell how much time and effort Ben Shapiro put into writing this book.

Some of the philosophical concepts Ben Shapiro makes in this book are difficult to understand at once. So you will need to take some time to truly think about them to understand them.

I need to admit that after reading this book, like I just took an very intense class about Judeo-Christian society. Ive learned something from this book but there were moments while reading this book which really made me bored and tired.

Some of the descriptions in this book gets a little bit lengthy, and it really made me uninterested at times. I feel like the lengthy descriptions should be shorter.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“Persuasion” By Jane Austen Review

Persuasion is Jane Austen’s last completed novel. She began it soon after she had finished Emma, completing it in August 1816. She died, aged 41, in 1817; Persuasion was published in December that year (but dated 1818). Persuasion is linked to Northanger Abbey not only by the fact that the two books were originally bound up in one volume and published together, but also because both stories are set partly in Bath, a fashionable city with which Austen was well acquainted, having lived there from 1801 to 1805.

This book is quite an okay book from Jane Austen. Its not as good as some of her other books. But it is still pretty okay.

This book is short and quick to read. And it is interesting and enjoyable. If you are looking for a book to read which is slow and relaxing to read then this book is your go-to here.

The plot here talks about the main character being in love man who happens to be captain. Which is the plot for every book written by Jane Austen. But her books are cringey as the modern day romance book. Which is the reason why I like Jane Austen so much. But the main character is forced to marry someone else. And when she meets the captain again years later all her feelings for him come to live again.

There was something unique about this book which made me give this book some extra points. This book really became clued to my mind after I finished it. 

The characters here was pretty good, even thou it they weren’t the best character I’ve seen, I still had some good time with them.

The writing style here was pretty good and I love it. Jane Austen was a very good author and you can truly see it in her writing style the most.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“The Last Wish” By Andrzej Sapkowski Book Review

Geralt the Witcher—revered and hated—is a man whose magic powers, enhanced by long training and a mysterious elixir, have made him a brilliant fighter and a merciless assassin. Yet he is no ordinary murderer: his targets are the multifarious monsters and vile fiends that ravage the land and attack the innocent.  But not everything monstrous-looking is evil and not everything fair is good… and in every fairy tale there is a grain of truth.

Its important to mention before we start this review that this book isn’t the first book published in The Witcher series, but this book is the one to start this The Witcher book series with.

This book isn’t a typical novel because it is a collection of 6 short stories which introduces you as a reader to the world in the series and to various characters in the universe which Geralt have or had some kind of relationship with at some point through out the life span of the book series. 

I personally am not a fan of a book which is basically a collection of short stories like this book is. Which may explain why I give this one the rating I give. 

The writing style is pretty okay but there are times where the writing goes down hill for awhile. As well as there are times when the writing style feels like a cross between Harry Potter and A Song of Ice and Fire Series.

I had high expectations for this book because of the bad as games. But unfortunately this book didn’t leave up to my expectations. 

However this book needs to get points for the fun fairytale vibe which it has. But also for the fun way the author have mixed seriousness and humor in this book.

The characters are pretty okay. There are some good characters and there are some annoying characters. Which you can pretty much expect from a book series. 

If you want me to be honest with you then you got to know that this book is more or less a load of dated,  men-centered together with male-gazey nonsense mixed together with dubious logic and no understanding of morality or human nature.

Yeah the book the book didn’t go well with me. 

There were times when you got the vibe that the author mostly had no idea what he is talking about, especially when it came to women being involved.

The world which we get in this book is incredible and I would love to know more about it and get some different stories out of it. But this book really doesn’t use the potential of the characters nor the world. 

I need also give this book points for the cool and different approach to high fantasy which is very distinct from Tolkien books and stories. 

I need to mention that there were some generic epic fantasy issues especially when it comes to mundane sexism. But of course I cant mention them because this is a spoiler free review.

When it comes to the dialogues in this book. The dialogue were pretty uneven kindly said. There were times where the dialogues had probably way too much exposition and varied very wildly in tone to each other.

The whole mythology behind this book was pretty impressing when it comes to all the things which wasn’t so great in this book.

I give this book 3 / 5

“Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime” By Oscar Wilde Review

‘He was not blind to the fact that murder, like the religions of the Pagan world, requires a victim as well as a priest…’ Wilde’s supremely witty tale of dandies, anarchists and a murderous prophecy in London high society.

This book had really surprised me a lot because I haven’t expected this book to be as good as it actually was.

The book is very short but there is a lot of things happening in this book, which will make you interesting and even chuckle at times because of how bad luck the main character has in his actions.

The plot here is pretty strange, because it feels like there is a little happening but at the same time it feels like there is a lot of things happening.

The ending has a strange turn of the events which I personally liked a lot. The ending itself made me give this book an extra star. 

The characters here are pretty flat, and all of the characters seems pretty boring and uninteresting.

The writing style here was pretty okay, even thou it had the potential to be better Oscar Wilde haven’t used it.

It was my first book written by Oscar Wilde so I can say what type of author he was or anything about his other work because I haven’t read any of them at the time of writing this review.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“Great Expectations” By Charles Dickens Review

Great Expectations charts the progress of Pip from childhood through often painful experiences to adulthood, as he moves from the Kent marshes to busy, commercial London, encountering a variety of extraordinary characters ranging from Magwitch, the escaped convict, to Miss Havisham, locked up with her unhappy past and living with her ward, the arrogant, beautiful Estella. Pip must discover his true self, and his own set of values and priorities. Whether such values allow one to prosper in the complex world of early Victorian England is the major question posed by Great Expectations, one of Dickens’s most fascinating, and disturbing, novels.

This book really surprised me a lot because I was expecting to not like this one, but I found to actually be a pretty decent book. Even thou I am not the biggest fan of this book I still found it enjoyable and interesting at times.

It’s important to say that this book is far from Charles Dickens’s best work, however it isn’t the worst.

The plot here was quite interesting to be fully honest here, and there was something unique about it which really caught my attention. Even thou I need couple of breaks from this book while reading it, I still found it to be pretty good read.

The characters here were pretty good to be honest. I needed up liking some of them but at the same time there were characters which I totally didn’t care about. Which I can accept if there were some good characters as Philip “Pip” Pirrip, Estella and Miss Havisham. 

The writing style was very good in this one. I didn’t expect it to be that good but it was. This fact made me interested in reading more of Charles Dickens books.

After reading this book I understand why people love this book so much even thou I am far from loving this book.

I found this book to be very enjoyable and interesting at times which I haven’t expect happening but of course it did.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“Life Debt” By Chuck Wendig Review

The Emperor is dead, and the remnants of his former Empire are in retreat. As the New Republic fights to restore a lasting peace to the galaxy, some dare to imagine new beginnings and new destinies. For Han Solo, that means settling his last outstanding debt, by helping Chewbacca liberate the Wookiee’s homeworld of Kashyyyk.

Yet again we are talking about another good Star Wars book. This book takes place after Emperor and Darth Vader die and we see what Han, Chewbacca and Leia are up to after the curtains close on episode 6.

This book is one of these new books written by authors hired by Disney to make more Star Wars book. And to be very honest with you, they are worse than the books written before Disney bought Star Wars franchise. 

If you are interested in the time period right after episode 6, then the aftermath trilogy is good starting point. Because it don’t require you having read any star wars books before and the trilogy takes off where episode 6 leaves us.

The plot here is very interesting, we see a lot of Han Solo and Chewbacca and there are a lot of moments where we see Leia. We don’t see Luke in this book but the action we see from Han and Chewbacca makes up for it.

In this book we also see more of Leia and Han which I loved a lot. Because it gives us what the original movie trilogy should have given us but didn’t. But also Han and Leia are the perfect couple, you just can’t argue with that.

There is a lot of action in this book, there is almost no lightsaber fights but there are a lot of spaceship fights and a lot of smuggler adventures from Han.

In this book we get a new character named Sinjir Rath Velus, which is an bad-ass and I would love to learn more about him in the next star wars books. Because he seems like a very interesting character which is fully worth exploring further. 

This book has a lot of mind control and plot line of destroying relationships. Which really was more interesting than I’ve expected.

However this book had some uninteresting moments here and there. Which really disappointed me.

The writing style here was okay, but to be very honest here the first book in this trilogy had much better writing style if you compare this book and the first one together.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“Fairy Tale” By Stephen King Review

Charlie Reade looks like a regular high school kid, great at baseball and football, a decent student. But he carries a heavy load. His mom was killed in a hit-and-run accident when he was ten, and grief drove his dad to drink. Charlie learned how to take care of himself—and his dad. Then, when Charlie is seventeen, he meets Howard Bowditch, a recluse with a big dog in a big house at the top of a big hill. In the backyard is a locked shed from which strange sounds emerge, as if some creature is trying to escape. When Mr. Bowditch dies, he leaves Charlie the house, a massive amount of gold, a cassette tape telling a story that is impossible to believe, and a responsibility far too massive for a boy to shoulder.

This book was for sure a very unique one. Because I wasn’t expecting the master of horror to get into fantasy but with this book he of course did.

The beginning of this book started really big and had big Psyho vibes. Which really made the trick for me to get me hocked. The beginning had strange accident,  mysterious old house, weird noises coming from the shed, an old dog and a teenager. 

The beginning had huge suspense in it, and from it alone I was expecting Pet cemetery 2 in a way. But of course it wasn’t it.  

Even thou it started really hot and big, the book went downhill from that point in my opinion. As you continue reading this book it will turn into a teenager’s adventure. Which wasn’t bad but it wasn’t that original. In a way this book really disappointed me in a way because I was expecting something more from Stephen King.

Charlie and Mr. Bowditch were good characters even thou I wasn’t the biggest fan of them. But the rest of the characters in this book were meh to be fully honest here. I personal remembered the rest of the characters as “Deaf-one”, “Blind-one” etc. Even thou they had names as you expect, I didn’t bother to remember their names because I found them boring and uninteresting. 

To be fully honest my favourite character in this book is Radar which is the old dog in this book. 

Even thou this book is an enjoyable read, it is at least 150 pages too long in my opinion. Because after you read the half of this book, it being to drag for far too long.

The writing style in this book was very good at the beginning but as the book continues the writing style in a way goes slowly downhill which really disappointed me. But I haven’t noticed it until I finished the book.

The ending was actually good, I didn’t expect it being so good because of 2 / 3 of this book being boring and somehow uninteresting for me. 

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“Reminders of Him” By Colleen Hoover Review

After serving five years in prison for a tragic mistake, Kenna Rowan returns to the town where it all went wrong, hoping to reunite with her four-year-old daughter. But the bridges Kenna burned are proving impossible to rebuild. Everyone in her daughter’s life is determined to shut Kenna out, no matter how hard she works to prove herself. The only person who hasn’t closed the door on her completely is Ledger Ward, a local bar owner and one of the few remaining links to Kenna’s daughter. But if anyone were to discover how Ledger is slowly becoming an important part of Kenna’s life, both would risk losing the trust of everyone important to them. The two form a connection despite the pressure surrounding them, but as their romance grows, so does the risk. Kenna must find a way to absolve the mistakes of her past in order to build a future out of hope and healing.

This book is my second book written by Colleen Hoover, and well after reading this book I’ve started liking Colleen Hoover work. 

To be fully honest this book was really tough read, because it involves dead, pregnancy, blame, prison and shame. 

The plot in this book is very sad, heartwarming and so tough. Because it involves some very though things. But also it makes it to a very interesting book, and I had an amazing time reading this book.

The love story in this book was almost no existing, because the love story is at the last third of this book. This book is rather about a mother wanting to get to know her 5 year old daughter after spending the previous 5 years in jail.

The characters in this book are okay for the most part. To be honest all character expect of Kenna are pretty flat and uninteresting. All of the characters (expect of Kenna) feel like they were created just to feel up the empty space.

Kenna is an amazing character, because there is so many feelings she is carrying around. And all the thoughts she have throughout the book really makes her feel like a real human being.

The writing style here was okay for the most part. It was very far from being good but it was okay. 

The ending was surprisingly good, and it really made me give this book a higher rating. Because there was something very satisfying and heartwarming.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“The Princess Diarist” By Carrie Fisher Review

When Carrie Fisher discovered the journals she kept during the filming of the first Star Wars movie, she was astonished to see what they had preserved–plaintive love poems, unbridled musings with youthful naiveté, and a vulnerability that she barely recognized. Before her passing, her fame as an author, actress, and pop-culture icon was indisputable, but in 1977, Carrie Fisher was just a teenager with an all-consuming crush on her costar, Harrison Ford.

Ever since I’ve found out that this book was in the process of writing, I was dying to read it. Because a die hard fan of star wars as I am, I need to get my hands on everything star wars themed and this memoir of Carrie Fisher who plays Leia was on that list.

A huge part of this book is about Carrie’s life while filming the first Star Wars movie. And there is a lot of talk about Carrie’s affair with Harrison Ford, but don’t get too excited because we only get fed a cracker on this without getting know much. But to be honest I didn’t know about Carrie’s affair with Harrison Ford until I read this book.

We get to know more about Carrie Fisher and her journey through the first star wars movie, and her thoughts on the process of becoming one of the well known actress almost over night after the first star wars movie was released back in 1977. 

The writing style here, was very easy and simple to read. Which really made this whole book to a quick read. 

In this book we get to read a little bit of Carrie’s journal which she kept while filming the star wars movie in 1976. Which was really amazing and fun to read. Because we get to learn what it was like to be a part of the greatest franchise of all time.

A part of me wished that this book was longer, and that we got the chance to read more of Carrie’s journal. which might be the reason for a low rating.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“The Beast from the East” By R.L. Stine Review

Ginger Wald and her identical twin brothers, Nat and Pat, are lost in the woods. No problem. After all, Ginger did go to that stupid nature camp. Still, there’s something odd about this part of the woods. The grass is yellow. The bushes are purple. And the trees are like skyscrapers. Then Ginger and her brothers meet the beasts. They’re big blue furry creatures. And they want to play a game. The winners get to live. The losers get eaten

Damn, this book really surprised me because this book was about playing tag with some forest creatures. I didn’t expect that. 

But I really came to like this book, it was very far from a good book but it was enjoyable and interesting.

The plot in this book wasn’t a masterpiece, but I know that if I read this book and this entire series as a child it would have given me some very good scares and probably some nightmares.

The main characters here are twins and their older sister. To be fully honest here I wasn’t the biggest fan of the twins but I really liked the older sister in this book. She was really relatable but the twins were very annoying at the beginning of this book because they were either arguing or doing something which they shouldn’t.

But reading this book as an adult is less impressive, and less scary. Because if you read this book and the series as an adult you won’t be scared but you will for sure love this book and series for other reasons especially if you grow up while watching the Goosebumps TV show as I’ve did.

This book has a huge nostalgia, because it reminded me of the OG tv shows I grow up watching. And of course the OG tv shows I’m talking about are “are you afraid of the dark?”, “Goosebumps” and “tales from the crypt”.

I Give This Book 3 / 5