“Legend of the Lost Legend” By R.L. Stine Review

Nobody loves a good story like Justin’s dad. He’s a famous writer and story collector. That’s how Justin and his sister, Marissa, ended up in Brovania. Their dad is searching for an ancient manuscript called ‘The Lost Legend’. Justin and Marissa want to help. But instead of finding ‘The Lost Legend’, they get lost. And the woods of Brovania are filled with the strangest creatures. Like hundreds of squealing mice. Silver-coloured dogs. And terrifying Vikings from long ago.

This book has adventure in it, Vikings and horror. Which really makes it to a perfect horror story for children. 

The plot in this book wasn’t a masterpiece, but I know that if I read this book and this entire series as a child it would have given me some very good scares and probably some nightmares.

The plot here is very good, because there is something eerie about 2 children going to a forest at night to seek a treasure. 

But reading this book as an adult is less impressive, and less scary. Because if you read this book and the series as an adult you won’t be scared but you will for sure love this book and series for other reasons especially if you grow up while watching the Goosebumps TV show as I’ve did.

The characters here were very good to be honest. Because they were very relatable. 

This book has a huge nostalgia, because it reminded me of the OG tv shows I grow up watching. And of course the OG tv shows I’m talking about are “are you afraid of the dark?”, “Goosebumps” and “tales from the crypt”.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“Why I’m Afraid of Bees” By R.L. Stine Review

Gary Lutz needs a vacation from himself. Bullies are constantly beating him up. His only friend is his computer. Even his little sister doesn’t like him. But now Gary’s dream is about to come true. He’s going to exchange bodies with another kid for a whole week. Gary can’t wait to get a new body. Until something horrible happens. And Gary finds out his new body isn’t exactly human. 

To be fully honest here, this one really surprised me, because there is a life lesson in this book. And that life lesson is that even if you are hate your life, you always could have a much worse life than you do. 

The plot in this book wasn’t a masterpiece, but I know that if I read this book and this entire series as a child it would have given me some very good scares and probably some nightmares.

The main character here is okay, he is 12 years old and he doesn’t like his life because he is bullied and he doesn’t have any friends. For me personally he was very relatable which really made me like him more.

But reading this book as an adult is less impressive, and less scary. Because if you read this book and the series as an adult you won’t be scared but you will for sure love this book and series for other reasons especially if you grow up while watching the Goosebumps TV show as I’ve did.

This book has a huge nostalgia, because it reminded me of the OG tv shows I grow up watching. And of course the OG tv shows I’m talking about are “are you afraid of the dark?”, “Goosebumps” and “tales from the crypt”.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“One Day at Horrorland” By R.L. Stine Review

The Morris family gets lost trying to find the Zoo Gardens theme park. But it does not matter. They find another amusement park. It’s called Horrorland. There are no crowds in Horroland. There are no queues. And you can enter for free. It looks like a nice place. But that’s before the mind-blowing ride on the Cursed Slide and the terrifying House of Mirrors experience begins. Because there is something strange in the attractions of Horrorlandia. Something too chilling, too real.

This book is another book from the Goosebumps book series.

The plot in this book takes place at a amusement park. I personally love horror stories which take place at amusement parks. So this book was a treat for me. And I had a lot of fun with this one.

The plot in this book wasn’t a masterpiece, but I know that if I read this book and this entire series as a child it would have given me some very good scares and probably some nightmares.

But reading this book as an adult is less impressive, and less scary. Because if you read this book and the series as an adult you won’t be scared but you will for sure love this book and series for other reasons especially if you grow up while watching the Goosebumps TV show as I’ve did.

This book has a huge nostalgia, because it reminded me of the OG tv shows I grow up watching. And of course the OG tv shows I’m talking about are “are you afraid of the dark?”, “Goosebumps” and “tales from the crypt”.

This book is the 3rd book I’ve read from the goosebumps series. And I’ve noticed that I won’t get too old from goosebumps.

The action here was for sure eerie. And it gave me chills at times which I really enjoyed because in these moments it was like this book took me back to childhood again.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“Grey” By E.L. James Review

Christian Grey exercises control in all things; his world is neat, disciplined, and utterly empty—until the day that Anastasia Steele falls into his office, in a tangle of shapely limbs and tumbling brown hair. He tries to forget her, but instead is swept up in a storm of emotion he cannot comprehend and cannot resist. Unlike any woman he has known before, shy, unworldly Ana seems to see right through him—past the business prodigy and the penthouse lifestyle to Christian’s cold, wounded heart.  

I need to say that the story line of this first book is much better from Christian Grey’s perspective than from Anastasia’s.

I gave the original first book from Anastasia’s perspective a 2 star review, because her perspective didn’t engage me or interested me so much as from Christian Grey’s.

However its important to say that I’m not a fan of this series. Because its way to overrated and it isn’t as good as people claim it to be.

The book is interesting because we get to learn what is going on through Christian’s head. There is something unique and interesting hearing this story from Christian’s perspective. And it for sure adds much more to it.

The plot here is the same as the first book in the original fifty shades of grey trilogy. But there are some differences because it’s from Christian’s perspective and we follow his life during his relationship with Anastasia. 

The writing style here was okay for the most part. The writing style didn’t improve from the first book in the original trilogy. But to be honest I didn’t expect it to improve. 

The characters here are good. I liked the characters much more than I did when I read he first book in the original trilogy because I found Anastasia’s perspective very annoying and Anastasia herself wasn’t better.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“Welcome to Dead House” By R.L. Stine Review

Amanda and Josh think the old house they have just moved into is weird. Spooky. Possibly haunted. And the town of Dark Falls is pretty strange, too. — But their parents don’t believe them. You’ll get used to it, they say. Go out and make some new friends. — So Amanda and Josh do. But these creepy new friends are not exactly what their parents had in mind.

Reading this series gives me a huge nostalgia to back when I was a child and watching Goosebumps TV show. Which is the main reason why I decided to read this book series.

The plot in this book wasn’t a masterpiece, but I know that if I read this book and this entire series as a child it would have given me some very good scares and probably some nightmares.

But reading this book as an adult is less impressive, and less scary. Because if you read this book and the series as an adult you won’t be scared but you will for sure love this book and series for other reasons especially if you grow up while watching the Goosebumps TV show as I’ve did.

This book has a huge nostalgia, because it reminded me of the OG tv shows I grow up watching. And of course the OG tv shows I’m talking about are “are you afraid of the dark?”, “Goosebumps” and “tales from the crypt”.

The characters here are very good, and I liked them a lot. Even thou the majority of the characters in this book are children I still found them very likeable. 

The reason why I liked the characters felt super relatable, and what the main characters did felt like something I would do when I was their age.

This book was a very fun, interesting and enjoyable read. If you are looking for a book which will give you a huge nostalgia to childhood and a book where you can read with no brainpower involved than this book just as this whole series is the go to here. 

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“The War of the Worlds” By H.G. Wells Review

When an army of invading Martians lands in England, panic and terror seize the population. As the aliens traverse the country in huge three-legged machines, incinerating all in their path with a heat ray and spreading noxious toxic gases, the people of the Earth must come to terms with the prospect of the end of human civilization and the beginning of Martian rule.

To be honest this book is very generic Sci-Fi book where aliens invades the earth. However it was published in 1897 at the time where this kind of books weren’t very popular as they are now on days. But Im not the biggest fan of alien themed books and movies but Im still gonna try to find the one I might one day like.

However this book doesn’t focus as much on aliens as it focus on the fact that humans are the kings of the earth. Which unfortunately is the reality which shouldn’t ever exist. But this shows how big assholes humans are.

The plot here was okay but very generic for every Sci-Fi book and movie about alines, but I will give this book points for being written over 100 years ago when there were almost no Sci-Fi books about aliens.

The writing style in this book has a very thick old English, but it really suits the plot in this book. And it was very advanced when you compare it with modern day Sci-Fi books and movies

However the aliens in this book aren’t small, gray species but rather these giant robots which looks like dogs made off metal and new technology in a way. Which really surprised me in a good way. But still I just couldn’t find a answer to how they were created. Of course the real aliens could have created these space robot digs but if they have the technology to create destruction robots then why not came down to earth by themselves?

To be honest I have a lot of questions to the plot in this book. The robot dogs which are destruction robots which I’ve said above is one example of my questions for this book.

This book is very short, I read it in one long sitting which I probably shouldn’t have done.

This book isn’t scary as some people on the internet say, this book is just another Sci-Fi books about aliens. Which means that it is very generic even thou it was published in 1897.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“Lady Susan” By Jane Austen Review

Beautiful, flirtatious, and recently widowed, Lady Susan Vernon seeks an advantageous second marriage for herself, while attempting to push her daughter into a dismal match. A magnificently crafted novel of Regency manners and mores that will delight Austen enthusiasts with its wit and elegant expression.

I need to be honest and say that I’m not a Jane Austen fan, of course I thought that this book is okay but nothing more than that.

This book is a mix between historical fiction and romance. I was a fan of the historical fiction part in this book but the old time romances aren’t for me because 100% of the time I just hate them. 

The plot here was okay for the most part. The historical fiction part of this book was super interesting but the romance part had dragged it down a lot for me personally.

The main character here which of course is Lady Susan is a manipulative, hypocritical, a liar and sort of a bitch. But overall Ive liked here for some strange reason, because in real life I would hate her. The rest of the characters in this book were okay for the most part. There were some characters in this book which I didn’t like but for the most part I liked the majority of the characters in this book.

To be fully honest this book feels unfinished in a way. And it lacks bit of polish to it in my opinion. 

This book also contains a lot of letters send between the characters in this book, and they all contains the events and action happening in Lady Susan’s life. 

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“The Last Olympian” By Rick Riordan Review

All year the half-bloods have been preparing for battle against the Titans, knowing the odds of victory are grim. Kronos’s army is stronger than ever, and with every god and half-blood he recruits, the evil Titan’s power only grows. While the Olympians struggle to contain the rampaging monster Typhon, Kronos begins his advance on New York City, where Mount Olympus stands virtually unguarded. Now it’s up to Percy Jackson and an army of young demigods to stop the Lord of Tim

This book might be the best book in this wholes series in my opinion because it felt somehow different than the previous books in this series.

I continue to not be the biggest fan of the characters I was in the first 4 books in this series. Because there something in them which doesn’t seem right to me. Of course the characters are very good in this series but I just me being very picky.

My main problem with the characters in this series is that there isn’t character development. They are exactly the same as they were in the beginning of book one.

Of course we get introduced more new characters in this book but it feels like we get the new characters introduced just to forgot about them in the next chapters and for them to never come back again in this series.

When it comes to descriptions there could have been longer and more detailed in my opinion at least.

The writing style here was amazing. To be honest it was probably my favourite thing about this book. In a strange way it made me like this book much more. The writing style in this book must have been the best writing style in this whole series. 

This book have the same problems as the previous books in this series. And the problem is that the action is very slow at the beginning and at the end. And the middle is just confusing because all action is put into 100 pages or less.

So far in this series I feel like there are the same things happening. And that there are the same mistakes made by the main characters which really made me want to bang my head against a tree. 

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“American Psycho” By Bret Easton Ellis Review

Patrick Bateman is twenty-six and he works on Wall Street, he is handsome, sophisticated, charming and intelligent. He is also a psychopath. Taking us to head-on collision with America’s greatest dream—and its worst nightmare—American Psycho is bleak, bitter, black comedy about a world we all recognise but do not wish to confront

I need to confess that this book might be the greatest thriller book ever written. 

This book is very dark and perhaps controversial to some people. But it is also very interesting, enjoyable and a page turner. 

Patrick Bateman is an amazing main character, due to his delusions and the complexity of his character. But he also represents in a way what a lot of people became in modern times which more or less are slaves to materialism. But having a psychopath as a main character is really satisfying.

The plot here is wow. It’s very unique, engaging, interesting and it keeps you interested from the first page to the last. The plot gets very dark at times, and the fact that we can’t distinct if its reality of just delusions to Patrick Bateman keeps you question a lot but in a very interesting way.

The writing style here is incredible, it felt like the author knew exactly what words to use to get you engaged in the plot and keep you reading this book until the end. The writing style in this book is brutal at times due to the way some moments are described which makes it even better and interesting.

This book is very violent and brutal at times but I suppose that’s what you get from a book where the main character is a psychopath who puts the perfect smile in-front of everyone. And it will for sure stick with you for a long time after finishing it.

In this book we also get a lot of essays of shorts from the main character about the 80s music, movies and famous brands.

Patrick Bateman is a psychopath and this book is from his point of view but he only shows us in this book what he wants to show us. Which makes his point of view very unreliable. And in this book the unreliable narrator is the best thing which could happen to this book. Because it makes you question if it really happened or not. 

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“The Lightning Thief” By Rick Riordan Review

Percy Jackson is a good kid, but he can’t seem to focus on his schoolwork or control his temper. And lately, being away at boarding school is only getting worse – Percy could have sworn his pre-algebra teacher turned into a monster and tried to kill him. When Percy’s mom finds out, she knows it’s time that he knew the truth about where he came from, and that he go to the one place he’ll be safe. She sends Percy to Camp Half Blood, a summer camp for demigods (on Long Island), where he learns that the father he never knew is Poseidon, God of the Sea. Soon a mystery unfolds and together with his friends—one a satyr and the other the demigod daughter of Athena – Percy sets out on a quest across the United States to reach the gates of the Underworld (located in a recording studio in Hollywood) and prevent a catastrophic war between the gods.

I had high expectations for this book but to be honest with you, this book didn’t live up to all of them.

The plot here was very good, very interesting, entertaining and engaging. But somehow I couldn’t get fully in there. I was never a big fan of greek mythology which means that I didn’t understand a lot of the greek relating things. 

The plot here was a very good mix of being funny at times but also being sad at times. Which really made me add some points.

There is a lot of action in this book which I’ve enjoyed a lot. There was something always happening.

The ending here could have been better if it had ended up at a cliffhanger. The ending over all was very slow which really made me disappointed.

The universe of Percy Jackson is very simple and easy. Almost too simple for my taste at least. Which might be the reason why I don’t enjoy this series as much as I wanted to.

The writing style here was amazing. To be honest it was probably my favourite thing about this book. In a strange way it made me like this book much more. 

The characters here were very good but I wasn’t the biggest fan of them I don’t know why. They make some stupid decisions sometimes which is part of my problem with this book. 

When it comes to descriptions there could have been longer and more detailed in my opinion at least.

Monsters here were amazing, I really enjoyed reading about them. They made this book so much better for me. 

I Give This Book 3 / 5