“How to Destroy America in Three Easy Steps” By Ben Shapiro Review

A growing number of Americans want to tear down what it’s taken us 250 years to build—and they’ll start by canceling our shared history, ideals, and culture. Traditional areas of civic agreement are vanishing. We can’t agree on what makes America special. We can’t even agree that America is special. We’re coming to the point that we can’t even agree what the word America itself means. “Disintegrationists” say we’re stronger together, but their assault on America’s history, philosophy, and culture will only tear us apart.

I can’t believe how much I loved this book, this book is incredibly well researched and written. It really blows my mind.

This book talks about a very important subject which of course is the problem of democrats wanting to destroy what America been fighting for over 250 years. And what made America special in the 19 century where huge masses of people were migrating to USA from all over the world.

In this book Ben Shapiro gives us a very good presentation Libertarian and conservative views on America for the past, present and the future. All the reason Ben Shapiro gives us in this book are very good explained and they make a lot of sense. However if you aren’t very politically interested or you don’t know a lot about politics and what was happening for the past couple of years this book might get over your head.

The writing style in this book is very amazing. And it really shows how intelligent and how good of a written Ben Shapiro really is.

This book gives a very on point narrative of what is happening in USA and how the media in the USA is trying to portray the entire country as racist and discriminating for people who are trying to trash all what America stands for and make it a communist country.

This book is very important to read, because is so very well written and even better researched. Because this book takes an academic approach to a lot of very important topics like cancel culture, how the left is trying to change the whole country to fit their agenda and so many other topics.

At the same time this book is very thought provoking and it will for sure make you think about couple of things in this book. Which really make love this book even more. Because it wants you to think for yourself and not force you think like the author does.

I Give This Book 4 / 5

“The Right Side of History: How Reason and Moral Purpose Made the West Great” By Ben Shapiro Review

Human beings have never had it better than we have it now in the West. So why are we on the verge of throwing it all away? In 2016, New York Times bestselling author Ben Shapiro spoke at the University of California–Berkeley. Hundreds of police officers were required to protect his speech. What was so frightening about Shapiro? He came to argue that Western civilization is in the midst of a crisis of purpose and ideas; that we have let grievances replace our sense of community and political expediency limit our individual rights; that we are teaching our kids that their emotions matter more than rational debate; and that the only meaning in life is arbitrary and subjective. 

This book is very interesting and quick to read. I read it in one sitting because I couldn’t pull away from it.

However it wasn’t the best work from Ben Shapiro I need to admit that. 

This book is about .History, religion, American politics, Greek philosophy but it mostly talks about all of these things in the context of Judeo-Christian society and its norms. Which really disappointed me a little bit because I wasn’t expecting something more thought proving from Ben Shapiro. 

The writing style in this book was very good. And it shows how intelligent Ben Shapiro really is. Which really made me give this book some points in credit.

And solely from the writing style you can tell how much time and effort Ben Shapiro put into writing this book.

Some of the philosophical concepts Ben Shapiro makes in this book are difficult to understand at once. So you will need to take some time to truly think about them to understand them.

I need to admit that after reading this book, like I just took an very intense class about Judeo-Christian society. Ive learned something from this book but there were moments while reading this book which really made me bored and tired.

Some of the descriptions in this book gets a little bit lengthy, and it really made me uninterested at times. I feel like the lengthy descriptions should be shorter.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“Blackout: How Black America Can Make Its Second Escape from the Democrat Plantation” By Candace Owens Review

In Blackout, social media star and conservative commentator Candace Owens addresses the many ways that liberal policies and ideals are actually harmful to African Americans and hinder their ability to rise above poverty, live independent and successful lives, and be an active part of the American Dream. Weaving in her personal story that brought her from the projects to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, she demonstrates how she overcame her setbacks and challenges despite the cultural expectation that she should embrace a victim mentality.

This book is easily the best book I’ve read in 2023. And I’ve been dying to read it ever since it was released.

This book is very well researched, and it makes absolutely valid and logical points which will make sense to everyone no matter their background, opinions and opinions.

In this book Candace Owens makes amazing and strong points about Black people in America and how the democrats try to put them into categories like “all black people need to vote democrat” and if that doesn’t happen they call them lunatics.

Candace Owens makes also amazing and valid points about how the democrats are trying to spin the card of a healthy government and get it into a communism government which we truly see a lot of for the past years.

All the points Candace Owens makes in this book are very good because they are true and makes a lot of sense the moment you read it and realised that it actually happens to be correct.

The writing style here is incredible. It feels like sitting down with Candace Owens and talking with her rather than reading a book. Which really made me give this book some extra points.

This book was really hard to put down and I read it in one sitting because it was incredible interesting and super enjoyable.

Candace Owens truly shows how intelligent and well spoken she truly is. Which really makes me love her even more. In this book Candace Owens also shows that how sharp and good at point making she truly is.

I Give This Book 5 / 5

“Brainwashed: How Universities Indoctrinate America’s Youth” By Ben Shapiro Review

When parents send their children off to college, mom and dad hope they’ll return more cultivated, knowledgeable, and astute–able to see issues from all points of view. But, according to Ben Shapiro, there’s only one view allowed on most college a rabid brand of liberalism that must be swallowed hook, line, and sinker. In this explosive book, Ben Shapiro, a college student himself, reveals how America’s university system is one of the largest brainwashing machines on the planet. Examining this nationwide problem from firsthand experience, Shapiro shows how the leftists who dominate the universities–from the administration to the student government, from the professors to the student media–use their power to mold impressionable minds. Fresh and bitterly funny, this book proves that the universities, far from being a place for open discussion, are really dungeons of the mind that indoctrinate students to become socialists, atheists, race-baiters, and narcissists.

Finally I got to read a Ben Shapiro book, and it truly lived up to my expectations. Because it was very, very good.

Reading this book 15 + years after it was published in a way takes the wind out of it. Because since the time this book was published things got way out of hands when it comes to college and the woke mob terrorising everyone.

This book is the first book which Ben Shapiro written, and even thou it is his first book it truly shows how skilled3 writer Ben Shapiro is. 

This book is over 250+ pages long (depending on what version of this book you get) but it didn’t stop me from reading this book in one sitting because I couldn’t stop reading it and it being so interesting and enjoyable.

Ben Shapiro makes some very good points here, which I totally agree with. Even thou some of his points might be outdated they shows us how the the left controls universities in USA and how fucked up it is to be in college when you are a conservative.

No matter what age you are, you won’t have any problems reading this book because it is very straight-forward and is easy to read.

Ben Shapiro in this book gives us various different areas of the college where conservatives are better not to speak their opinion because if they do they will be thrown out of the university by an angry woke mob.

One down side of this book are the too many generalisable statements made in this book. Which is pretty the biggest no-no for me.

But also this book was published in 2004 which means its pretty outdated because since then the woke mob is on the insane level and terrorizing everyone for even speaking one word if you are on the right wing.

The writing style in this book is very good. It’s pretty rough at times but overall its very good. 

I Give This Book 4 / 5

“Reasons to Vote for Democrats: A Comprehensive Guide” By Michael J. Knowles Review

The most exhaustively researched and coherently argued Democrat Party apologia to date, “Reasons To Vote For Democrats: A Comprehensive Guide” is a political treatise sure to stand the test of time. A must-have addition to any political observer’s coffee table. “Thorough”—Ben Shapiro, nationally syndicated columnist and New York Times bestselling author

This book is one of the best books I’ve read last year. Because it contains all the reason why someone should vote for democrats.

This book is a very quick read, even thou it has 220 pages (depending on what version of this book you get) but you fully will be able to read this book in one sitting. Because this book is so interesting.

This book is brutally honest about the reasons why someone should vote for democrats. And all of the reason in this book speaks very loudly for themselves and they are the reason why this book is so good.

This book is a huge page-turner and is very enjoyable and interesting. Because this book tells us everything a voter should know about the left in USA.

This book have some heavy topics like crime, government economics, jobs, immigrations and civil rights. But despite these heavy topics this book is very simple to read.

At the same time this book is very enlightening and Michael Knowles gives us an well researched book with everything we should know about the democrats as they grow crazier and crazier every year.

I Give This Book 5 / 5

“Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds” By Michael J. Knowles Review

Will we shut down drag queen story hour, or cancel Abraham Lincoln? For 170 years the First Amendment was compatible with prayer in public school How the atheists got the Warren Court to rule their way To this day, there’s a First Amendment exception for obscenity. What exactly is the argument that perverts’ teaching toddlers to twerk is not obscene?  Read Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds if you want to learn how to take the fight to the enemy.

This book is incredible, this book is fully worth reading because of so many reasons. After reading this book, Im gonna start recommending this book to anyone who would listen to my book recommendations. Because this book is a must read for everyone or at least must read for people who aren’t willing to let the left wing brainwash them.

The writing style in this book is amazing, its like Michael Knowles knows what words to use to exactly grab your attention from the first sentence. Only from the writing style we learn how sharp and intelligent Michael Knowles is.

This book is very well researched and put together to give us a lot of knowledge in just 250 + pages (depending on what version you get). 

I read this book in one day, even thou I needed to get some breaks while reading this book to think about what I just read before continuing. Because this book makes a lot of good points and it gives you a lot of valid information.

This book talks about a lot of things all from language, speech and political correctness all the way to the first amendment and what “freedom of speech” is according to the woke mob. Which is trying to make a Orwellian dystopia.

Micheal Knowles in this book shows how free speech is now controlled by the left and how the simplest human rights are turned and twisted by the left in a way which will suit them the best.

Michael Knowles also talks about how the cancel culture and the PC has taken root in the USA culture and how badly it affects Americans way of both thinking and behaving not only on the left but also on the right wing.

This book amongst other things shows us how the left have turned religions into a bad thing. 

Micheal Knowles gives us easy and simple explanation of how the left is shifting standards to undermine traditional American values in hopes to create a Orwellian dystopia. Where you who doesn’t agree with the angry mob shall be cancelled, lose your job and be trash talked.

At the same time, this book shows us how the left controls their followers and how they twist and change meaning of various words just because they thing that someone finds it offensive, even thou no one does.

This book has a lot of amazing points it makes, and it would be impossible to unpack them all in a single review.

I Give This Book 5 / 5

“Give Us the Ballot: The Modern Struggle for Voting Rights in America” By Ari Berman Review

In this groundbreaking narrative history, Ari Berman charts both the transformation of American democracy under the VRA and the counterrevolution that has sought to limit voting rights, from 1965 to the present day. The act enfranchised millions of Americans and is widely regarded as the crowning achievement of the civil rights movement. And yet, fifty years later, we are still fighting heated battles over race, representation, and political power, with lawmakers devising new strategies to keep minorities out of the voting booth and with the Supreme Court declaring a key part of the Voting Rights Act unconstitutional.

I gotta be honest and say that this book is one of the best political books I’ve read so far. I personally am super interested in politics and books so why not start reading political books right? 

This book is about the voting rights and how black people and white people need and still need to face when it comes to the voting right in USA. We all know that USA have huge problems and this book shows that problems with voting rights is still relevant even at the end of 2023. Which is mind blowing to think about. 

This book starts with the Voter Rights Act in 1965 and it goes all the way to the Obama administration. Which is couple of decades and we truly see how little the voting rights have changed to be fully honest.

This book have good research in it which we get to see in this book. And this book provides us with evidence that voting rights issues are still relevant. 

The writing style here is amazing. The writing style really creates a soul in this book which I really enjoyed. 

I Give This Book 4 / 5

“The Communist Manifesto” By Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels Review

The Communist Manifesto is one of the most influential pieces of political propaganda ever written. It is a summary of the whole Marxist vision of history and is the foundation document of the Marxist movement. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were aged 29 and 27 respectively when The Communist Manifesto was published on the eve of the 1848 revolutions. The authors had been close collaborators since 1844, and the Manifesto is a condensed and incisive account of the world-view they had evolved during their hectic intellectual and political involvement of the previous few years.

This book have been on my TBR for couple of years now and I finally read it. I personally am super interested in politics so this book was sort of a must read for me and many friends of mine have recommended it so here we are to talk about the book.

Some of the ideas in this book are interesting however these ideas were to explaining communist ideology in that historical period which I personally enjoyed a lot. However this ideology as other ideologies looks good only on paper.

This book is worth reading no matter what your believes are and what your opinions are because it gives us a good look into the communist ideology in a historical period when it was pretty fresh. This book is worth a reading because of being able to understand its historical value in a sense. 

This book is somehow deeply entrenched in economics of the mid 19th century ish and full of straw man arguments, which not work for everyone if you are not interested in history or politics. 

It is somehow shameful to call this book an apex of socialist/communist theory. Because it is he height of a programme to get out of it nor the height of a critique of capitalism. 

Of course this book is full of old English because it was written so long ago but in my opinion it gives more to this book and the whole communist ideology.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House” by Michael Wolff Review

With extraordinary access to the West Wing, Michael Wolff reveals what happened behind-the-scenes in the first nine months of the most controversial presidency of our time in Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House. Since Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States, the country―and the world―has witnessed a stormy, outrageous, and absolutely mesmerizing presidential term that reflects the volatility and fierceness of the man elected Commander-in-Chief.

This book gives us amazing details about Trump’s first 9 months presidency, which was far from the best presidency’s in the history in the world. Not because of his politics or his showmanship but because there was pure chaos in the white house these 4 years, people staff all over the place without any purpose, people not doing the work which they were assigned to do and so on. 

This book made me realise that Trump’s presidency was more terrifying than I’ve expected. But it also lets us know what we all expected which of course is the incompetence of the Trump administration.

The writing style in this book was amazing, like someone was telling me this instead of reading a book. Which I give this book points for. But there were times where I felt like the writing style was very heavy especially with all the information which it was giving us about the tragedy of Trump administration and Trump himself as president at times. 

I gotta be honest here and say that this book doesn’t challenge your assumptions. Because it told us everything we pretty much assumed about Trump’s presidency and his staff and all the dramas. 

It was a fun, interesting and super knowledge read. And it gives us many behind the scene information about how Trump’s mind work and how he was like the president who didn’t knew what he was doing for 4 years. 

I gotta also give credit to Sean Spicer who really concluded in a perfect way Trump’s presidency by saying “you can’t make this shit up.” Which is true in the case of the 45th president on the USA.

I give this poem 4 / 5

“Siege: Trump Under Fire” By Michael Wolff Review

A stunningly fresh narrative that begins just as Trump’s second year as president is getting underway and ends with the delivery of the Mueller report, Siege reveals an administration that is perpetually beleaguered by investigations and a president who is increasingly volatile, erratic, and exposed

So this one is politics / nonfiction books about the presidency of Donald Trump. And I gotta say that it was much better than I’ve expected that it would be.

I give this book extra points for the behind the scenes look at Trump’s second year in the oval office. 

This book really gives a better look at how really Donald Trump is and how a big of a dick he can be. A good example for this can be when the book mentions that Donald Trump wishes he hadn’t given Don Trump Junior his name. Or even when the book mentions that Donald Trump didn’t want to visit his recently born grandchild in the hospital. 

This book overall gives us the felling that Donald Trump is a grim guy with bad behaviour.

When I was getting into this book I was expecting high-level of leaks and some kind of national security drama. But instead the author offers us pure gossip and how fucked up Donald Trump can be. Which makes the fact that Donald Trump never drank alcohol nor taken any drugs even more bizarre. Because let’s be honest Donald Trump seems like he is drunk or high of his mind all the time based on the things he says and does.

However I give this book extra points for bringing us closer to the Muller investigation which I didn’t know so much about but wanted to know more about it. 

Overall this book was an entertaining and interesting read which I didn’t expect it would be.

This book involves juice topics like Rudy Giuliani’s drinking problem, Karen Pence drama and the behind-the-scenes family scuffles and other drama at Fox News.

This book also shows how big of a role Donald Trump’s kids played during his presidency which always is a bad idea to have your family involved when you are the president of a big and important country.

The writing style was actually pretty amazing, it was interesting and it made you feel like you were actually there and watching what was happening during Donald Trump’s second year in the oval office.

I give this book 3 / 5