“Maul: Lockdown” By Joe Schreiber Review

It’s kill or be killed in the space penitentiary that houses the galaxy’s worst criminals, where convicts face off in gladiatorial combat while an underworld gambling empire reaps the profits of the illicit blood sport. But the newest contender in this savage arena, as demonic to behold as he is deadly to challenge, is fighting for more than just survival. His do-or-die mission, for the dark masters he serves, is to capture the ultimate weapon: an object capable of obliterating the Jedi and conquering the galaxy.

Ive been telling this for years since the first time I’ve watched for the first time The Phantom Menace that Darth Maul is one the most underrated characters in the whole Cinema history. And this book book just how much he is underrated in the star wars movies and shows.

This book gives us a bigger background on Darth Maul, even thou we don’t get a lot of his background we get to see what he has been up to before the The Phantom Menace.

This book gives a lot of examples why Darth Maul is one of the best characters in the Star Wars universe, and why every time he is on the screen we get the chills run down our backs.

The writing style in this book is very incredible. It is like the author knows what words to use to grab our attention and not let it go until the very end of this book. Which I personally love when it happens in books.

In this book Darth Maul is send on a special mission to a prison by Darth Sidious to infiltrate a space station prison. Which was much more interesting than what it sounds like. 

This book gives Darth Maul his own voice and shows us how unique of a character he is. 

However this book starts slow but the action really picks up very fast. Which means that you won’t be bored for too long while reading this book. There is a lot of things happening in this book which makes to a very interesting and enjoyable read.

It might be a very personal opinion, but this book shows big time that the legends books in star wars are really the best book in the star wars universe.

I Give This Book 4 / 5

“Lords of the Sith” By Paul S. Kemp Review

Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight, is just a memory. Darth Vader, newly anointed Sith Lord, is ascendant. The Emperor’s chosen apprentice has swiftly proven his loyalty to the dark side. Still, the history of the Sith Order is one of duplicity, betrayal, and acolytes violently usurping their Masters—and the truest measure of Vader’s allegiance has yet to be taken. Until now. On Ryloth, a planet crucial to the growing Empire as a source of slave labor and the narcotic known as “spice,” an aggressive resistance movement has arisen, led by Cham Syndulla, an idealistic freedom fighter, and Isval, a vengeful former slave. But Emperor Palpatine means to control the embattled world and its precious resources—by political power or firepower—and he will be neither intimidated nor denied. Accompanied by his merciless disciple, Darth Vader, he sets out on a rare personal mission to ensure that his will is done.

Even thou it might not be my favourite star wars book I’ve read so far. I find myself still loving the star wars books written from a Sith perspective. Because finally we get to see more insights of the dark side rather than always following the Jedis.

As some of you might already know Im not the biggest fan of the Disney star wars version they are forcing us to watch and read now on days after Disney have bought star wars.

However the title of this book is very misleading. Because only 25% of this book is about Darth Vader and the emperor palpatine. And the majority of this book is about the Free Ryloth movement, which really disappointed me because after reading the title I was expecting more Darth Vader and the emperor palpatine action.

The majority of this book centered on the Star Destroyer event. In the beginning it was fun to read about the Twi’lek strategy but after awhile it got very boring because it dragged for far too long which really took the wind out of this book.

This book made emperor palpatine to a very shitty character and very out of character. In this book emperor palpatine didn’t feel like the character we all grow to love over the 6 different movies and various lore and books.

It really annoyed me because all the scenes where we actually got to see emperor palpatine, all he did was stay silent as a rock or have a weird smirk on or laugh as a lunatic.

The majority of the side characters in this book are very flat and boring. To say it simply they are very forgettable. There was nothing unique or special about them. And they didn’t have anything which would make them likeable other than the fact that they were rebels.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“Light of the Jedi” By Charles Soule Review

Long before the First Order, before the Empire, before the Clone Wars. Jedi lit the way for the galaxy in the High Republic. It is a golden age. Intrepid hyperspace scouts expand the reach of the Republic to the farthest stars, worlds flourish under the benevolent leadership of the Senate, and peace reigns, enforced by the wisdom and strength of the renowned order of Force users known as the Jedi. With the Jedi at the height of their power, the free citizens of the galaxy are confident in their ability to weather any storm. But even the brightest light can cast a shadow, and some storms defy any preparation.

This book is part of the “High Republic” storyline of Star Wars which takes place long before what we see in the movies. 

If you watched all the movies and TV shows and wonder what happened long before that then the High Republic books is the go to there. However if you didn’t read any High Republic books before or any Star Wars books before then this book might not be a go-to here. Because this book begins in the middle of action, and if you don’t have any context for it, then you won’t probably enjoy it as much.

This book is very good because it really pulls you into the plot line. I personally read this book during one sitting, yes the sitting was couple of hours long but it was worth it and at the same time I couldn’t stop reading it because this book completely pulled my attention.

The plot is very good. At from the very beginning it doest fail to grab you attention and focus because it begins in the middle of action. And there is a lot of things happening in this book, the action is very good, interesting, enjoyable and entreating. As a plus we also get some good lightsaber and spaceship action which really makes me love this book more.

The characters here are very good, they are almost as good as the OG characters like Leia, Luke, Obi-Wan etc. We don’t get a lot of characters in this book but the once we do get are very, very good which really makes up for not many characters.

There were 2 characters which I didn’t like as much as the rest but I still thought that they were okay.

The writing style here is very, very amazing. The writing style made me fall in love with this book more. The writing style here was perfect for this book. And it was like the author knew exactly what words to use to completely have me head over heals for this book.

The ending leaves us with more or less a cliffhanger, which really makes us grab the following book in the High Republic and keep reading.

I Give This Book 4 / 5

“Life Debt” By Chuck Wendig Review

The Emperor is dead, and the remnants of his former Empire are in retreat. As the New Republic fights to restore a lasting peace to the galaxy, some dare to imagine new beginnings and new destinies. For Han Solo, that means settling his last outstanding debt, by helping Chewbacca liberate the Wookiee’s homeworld of Kashyyyk.

Yet again we are talking about another good Star Wars book. This book takes place after Emperor and Darth Vader die and we see what Han, Chewbacca and Leia are up to after the curtains close on episode 6.

This book is one of these new books written by authors hired by Disney to make more Star Wars book. And to be very honest with you, they are worse than the books written before Disney bought Star Wars franchise. 

If you are interested in the time period right after episode 6, then the aftermath trilogy is good starting point. Because it don’t require you having read any star wars books before and the trilogy takes off where episode 6 leaves us.

The plot here is very interesting, we see a lot of Han Solo and Chewbacca and there are a lot of moments where we see Leia. We don’t see Luke in this book but the action we see from Han and Chewbacca makes up for it.

In this book we also see more of Leia and Han which I loved a lot. Because it gives us what the original movie trilogy should have given us but didn’t. But also Han and Leia are the perfect couple, you just can’t argue with that.

There is a lot of action in this book, there is almost no lightsaber fights but there are a lot of spaceship fights and a lot of smuggler adventures from Han.

In this book we get a new character named Sinjir Rath Velus, which is an bad-ass and I would love to learn more about him in the next star wars books. Because he seems like a very interesting character which is fully worth exploring further. 

This book has a lot of mind control and plot line of destroying relationships. Which really was more interesting than I’ve expected.

However this book had some uninteresting moments here and there. Which really disappointed me.

The writing style here was okay, but to be very honest here the first book in this trilogy had much better writing style if you compare this book and the first one together.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“Vector Prime” By R.A. Salvatore Review

Twenty-one years have passed since the heroes of the Rebel Alliance destroyed the Death Star, breaking the power of the Emperor. Since then, the New Republic has valiantly struggled to maintain peace and prosperity among the peoples of the galaxy. But unrest has begun to spread and threatens to destroy the Republic’s tenuous reign. Into this volatile atmosphere comes Nom Anor, a charismatic firebrand who heats passions to the boiling point, sowing seeds of dissent for his own dark motives. And as the Jedi and the Republic focus on internal struggles, a new threat surfaces from beyond the farthest reaches of the Outer Rim–an enemy bearing weapons and technology unlike anything New Republic scientists have ever seen.

I need to say that this book is by far the best star wars book I’ve read so far. 

Action here is amazing. But I wish that this book talk about some specific actions which it went too quickly over. The action here takes place over 20 years after the Battle of Endor. And the follows the OG characters from star wars universe which are of course Han Solo, Leia, Luke and Chewbacca. But we also gets characters who weren’t seen in the movies or series but people who have read books new Jedi order series then they should be very familiar with them. 

Characters here are amazing, because we get to learn more and follow the OG characters which I mentioned above. But also we get new character which I wish we could see in movies or series from the Star Wars universe. Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin which are the children of Leia and Han are very similar to both of them but also they are amazing to read about because in a way it brings back the nostalgia of watching young Luke, Leia and Han in the original trilogy. 

All of the characters in this book have something to them which makes me love them. All of the characters have something very unique to them which males them different from the other characters and which makes them super easy to like them. 

We as well get a new fun but also horrific new villain. And we see the struggle which the heroes have to face in this book.

The writing style here is very good, there were some moments which it went down hill but I still enjoyed it a lot. 

There were some parts in this book which I personally found boring, and that’s explains why I gave it 4 stars instead of the full score of 5 stars.

I Give This Book 4 / 5

“The Mandalorian Season 2 Junior Novel” By Joe Schreiber Review

The Mandalorian and Grogu continue their journey to find more of Grogu’s kind as they make their way through a dangerous galaxy in the tumultuous era following the fall of the Empire. They will encounter strange creatures, mysterious Jedi, old friends, and the sinister Moff Gideon, who wants the Child for his own purposes.

Another very good book from the star wars universe, which I truly love more and more with each passing year.

This book is very fun and easy to read. And this book is very good for all ages as well no matter if you buy this book for your child or if you want to read it yourself at any age.

This book is very short which means that it is very quick to read. This book and be read in 2 sittings or less if you really sett your mind on it. 

This book is very simple retelling of the second season of The Mandalorian. Seeing the series first and then reading this book after some months is a pure enjoyment since it’s like seeing the second season for the first time but from a different perspective other than TV.

In my opinion this book feels a little bit waker than the first book. But I still loved it. 

The characters are just as amazing as they were in the first book and in the second season. But in a way it feels like getting to know them all over again since you get to read about them rather than watch them on Disney +. 

The writing style is very simple and easy, and it fully can be read by a 10 year old if they have an interested in star wars. 

The ending is as amazing, because of Luke Skywalker showing up to save the day which really gives me a bigger nostalgia. 

I Give This Book 4 / 5

“The Last Command” By Timothy Zahn Review

The embattled Republic reels from the attacks of Grand Admiral Thrawn, who has marshaled the remnants of the Imperial forces and driven the Rebels back with an abominable technology recovered from the Emperor’s secret fortress: clone soldiers. As Thrawn mounts his final siege, Han and Chewbacca struggle to form a coalition of smugglers for a last-ditch attack against the empire, while Leia holds the Alliance together and prepares for the birth of her Jedi twins. Overwhelmed by the ships and clones at Thrawn’s command, the Republic has one last hope–sending a small force, led by Luke Skywalker, into the very stronghold that houses Thrawn’s terrible cloning machines. There a final danger awaits, as the Dark Jedi C’baoth directs the battle against the Rebels and builds his strength to finish what he had already started: the destruction of Luke Skywalker.

This book is the last book in the 1990s Thrawn trilogy.

This book was very interesting and enjoyable. But also is a page turner. I read it in 3 sittings.

This book as the rest of the trilogy brings the old nostalgia or watching star wars for the first time. Because this book have all the things which the original star wars trilogy had which of course is bad vs good, heroism, action, battles, power struggle, romance, amazing characters and so much more. 

The plot in here is very good, and I personally had a very hard time trying to put it down once I’ve started reading. 

There is a lot of things happening in this book, and we get a lot of new character introduced. There are battles, there are amazing space ships journeys. 

The OG characters in this book which are of course Luke, Leia, Han, C-3PO, R2-D2, Chewie are still the amazing characters which we got to meet in the original trilogy. If I’m gonna be fully honest with you, they are even better in this book and this trilogy than in the original movie trilogy. 

We also get a lot of new characters in this book, (and series of course) like Mara Jade, Grand Admiral Thrawn but in this book Leia gives birth to twins Jacen and Jaina Solo. Which means that the Skywalker legacy becomes bigger. And I personally can’t wait to read more books with the twins and learning more about them.

In this book Mara Jade plays a much larger role than she did in the first two books in this trilogy. Which I loved, because we get a bigger chance to getting to know her and she is so good character with an amazing backstory which really makes her to an intriguing character.

The writing style here is amazing. This book and this trilogy really shows how good of an author Timothy Zahn really is. Because it feels like Timothy Zahn really know what words to use to grab your attention and not let you go until you finish.

The ending is so good that I don’t have words to describe it. And I can’t say too much without spoiling anything. But is the perfect ending to this trilogy and it fully left me satisfied that I read this book and the trilogy. 

However I have one problem with this book and trilogy as a whole. And that problem is that this trilogy should be canon not legends.

I Give This Book 4 / 5

“Dark Force Rising” By Timothy Zahn Review

The dying Empire’s most cunning and ruthless warlord—Grand Admiral Thrawn—has taken command of the remnants of the Imperial fleet and launched a massive campaign aimed at the New Republic’s destruction. Meanwhile, Han and Lando Calrissian race against time to find proof of treason inside the highest Republic Council—only to discover instead a ghostly fleet of warships that could bring doom to their friends and victory to their enemies.

I need to be honest and admit that this book is one of the best star wars books I’ve read so far.

This book is very interesting, intriguing, engaging and a page turner. This book has around 450 pages (depends on what version of this book you get) but I’ve read it in less than a day. 

If you never read any star wars book before, then this book might not be for you because we get new characters and there will be a lot to take in.

The plot in this book is amazing. There is a lot of action and the author just knows how to keep you at the edge of your chair. While you read this book you just can’t stop reading because you want to learn more about what happens next.

However at times the plot can be one centred about something, but it didn’t bother me that much. Because for me it made this book better at times.

The characters in this book are amazing. The OG characters like Luke, Leia, Han and Chewbacca are even better in this book than in the movies. Because we get to learn more about them which the movies didn’t show us. And we get to know them more personally and we get to see what happens to them after the movies.

When it comes to Grand Admiral Thrawn, this book fully shows why he deserves a much bigger hype than he has. because he is extremely efficient and mastermind on military tactician.

The writing style in this book is amazing, because it feels like the author knows what words to use to crab your full attention and not let it go until you finish this book. Which I love when this happens because it takes a really good author to accomplish that. 

This book also gives us the star wars nostalgia for us who grow up watching star wars movies. Because it has the same feeling as the original trilogy had, and it also keeps us waiting on what will happen next just as the original trilogy.

We get a lot of perspectives in this book. We get to follow Luke, Han, Leia and Mara. Because of this we get to know the story though different perspectives which in so big universes as star wars is always a good thing to have.

I Give This Book 5 / 5

“Heir to the Empire” By Timothy Zahn Review

It is a time of renewal, five years after the destruction of the Death Star and the defeat of Darth Vader and the Empire. But with the war seemingly won, strains are beginning to show in the Rebel Alliance. New challenges to galactic peace have arisen. And Luke Skywalker hears a voice from his past. A voice with a warning. Beware the dark side. The Rebel Alliance has destroyed the Death Star, defeated Darth Vader and the Emperor, and driven the remnants of the old Imperial Starfleet back into barely a quarter of the territory that they once controlled. Leia and Han are married, are expecting Jedi twins, and have shouldered heavy burdens in the government of the new Republic. And Luke Skywalker is the first in a hoped-for new line of Jedi Knights.

This book have totally blown my mind because it was so fucking good. And I gotta say that is the best book to start your Star Wars book journey if you haven’t read any star wars books. 

If you have seen the original trilogy which was realised in the late 70s and early 80s you should be able to pin up this book without being confused on what is happening in this book.

In this book we get the OG characters which get even better than the movies because we get to learn more about them and we get to follow their adventures after the original trilogy. 

We get also introduced to some new characters like Mara Jade which is one of my favourite characters from the star wars books because of her journey from the dark side to being an Jedi.

Overall we get amazing and strong characters. And all of them have something unique to them which I love when it happens. 

The plot here is just wow. It is super amazing and I couldn’t pull myself away from the book. There is so much action here and we get a lot of our OG characters in this book which I’ve loved. 

The writing style here is complete amazing. It felt like it was written by George Lucas but of course it wasn’t. I need to give the author extra points for making this book feel like the original trilogy and not like trash which Disney is turning star wars to. 

I Give This Book 5 / 5

“Star Wars: The Mandalorian Junior Novel” By Joe Schreiber Review

After the fall of the Empire but before the emergence of the First Order, a lone bounty hunter known as The Mandalorian travels the outer reaches of the galaxy. When his newest bounty hunting target turns out to be a small Child, the Mandalorian decides the Child must be protected at all costs. Relive all the excitement of the first season of the smash-hit streaming series in this action-packed junior novel by Joe Schreiber! Includes an insert of color photos from the show!

If you love The Mandalorian series as much as I do than you will love this book as well. This book is the novelisations of the first season of the series. 

This book is very quick to read, it’s interesting, its enjoyable and so much more. This book is as well a very easy read because this book is meant for kids between the ages of 9 and 12 if I remember correctly. But the age doesn’t matter as long as you are a star wars fan as I am.

The plot here is the same as in season one of The Mandalorian. Some moments from the series aren’t in the book, but the plot itself is there in this book. Because of some moments from the show aren’t here in the book it makes this book a little less fun than the show but still it is worth the time and money.

The characters here are the same as in The Mandalorian series. But to be honest the characters are better done in the show than in this book but I still loved the characters and their development during the book. 

However there are couple of moments here and there where this book gives us a little extra insight into the characters as it goes on. There aren’t a lots of these moments but they are there.

The writing style in this book is very easy and simple as I’ve mentioned above. Because it was meant for the younger readers of the franchise. But it is good if you want to turn of your brain and do something fun while relaxing after a difficult day.

I Give This Book 5 / 5