“Assassin’s Apprentice” By Robin Hobb Review

In a faraway land where members of the royal family are named for the virtues they embody, one young boy will become a walking enigma. Born on the wrong side of the sheets, Fitz, son of Chivalry Farseer, is a royal bastard, cast out into the world, friendless and lonely. Only his magical link with animals – the old art known as the Wit – gives him solace and companionship. But the Wit, if used too often, is a perilous magic, and one abhorred by the nobility.

Ive been wanting to get into this series for a while now because ive heard so much good about it, and even my favorite author of all time, George R R Martin have recommended this series and this author on several occasions during interviews. So of course I needed to get into this series at some point. And this year is the time for it.

The plot in this book was very good, but on occasions I found myself bored because at moments the plot would stretch for far too long on events or descriptions which in the end didn’t have anything to say in the major picture. 

Even thou the plot has boring and uninteresting parts here and there, the bigger picture of the plot it is still very good. And solely from this book alone I think I found a new author to add to my list of favorite authors, which hasn’t seen much change for at least 2 years.

The characters in this book were very good, which really surprised me a lot because I wasn’t expecting such good characters from an so underrated author as Robin Hobb. Every characters in this book had all unique personalities and something which made them unique in their own way. 

I personnel didn’t like a lot of characters in this book, and the beginning I didn’t even like the main character, but the more and more I read, the more and more Ive grown to like the main character. He might be a hard character to like at times, but still he is a good character in my opinion.

The ending was very good, because thats where the most interesting part came into the play, and it sort of doesn’t leave us with a cliffhanger but at the same time it does. Which is a really odd thing, but a thing which I liked very much.

The writing style here, was very good because it was like the author knew what words to use in this book, to fully grab my attention and to not let it go even through the parts which I found boring and / or uninteresting. 

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“Dolores Claiborne” By Stephen King Review

Suspected of killing Vera Donovan, her wealthy employer, Dolores Claiborne tells police the story of her life, harkening back to her disintegrating marriage and the suspicious death of her violent husband, Joe St. George, thirty years earlier. Dolores also tells of Vera’s physical and mental decline and of her loyalty to an employer who has become emotionally demanding in recent years.

I didn’t knew anything about this book before getting into it, and I need to admit that I was surprised because its actually good. 

The plot in this book is very interesting, enjoyable and engaging. Which really surprised me because I wasn’t expecting this from this book. But I am all here for those kind of surprised in books.

The plot is very good the grab your attention and not letting it go until the very end. The the more you start thinking the story the less stars you want to give it when it comes to it. 

It is important to say that this book isn’t as much a horror book as it is a psychological thriller. There aren’t any horror moments in this book but rather a woman trying to defend herself that she didn’t call her wealthy employer who died suspiciously. 

All of the characters in this book are very very good, which you can expect from the master of horror. All of the characters in this book have a unique personality and all of them have something which sett them apart from the rest of the characters in this book. 

The writing style is what you would expect from Stephen King, which of course means that is fantastic. It just as Stephen King knows what words to use to grab your attention and to not let it go until you finish the book.

The ending here was meh to be honest. I had some high expectations for the ending in this book but I ended up getting disappointed. Because this book builds into this good exciting ending which it fails to have.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“Shatter Me” By Tahereh Mafi Review

Juliette hasn’t touched anyone in exactly 264 days. The last time she did, it was an accident, but The Reestablishment locked her up for murder. No one knows why Juliette’s touch is fatal. As long as she doesn’t hurt anyone else, no one really cares. The world is too busy crumbling to pieces to pay attention to a 17-year-old girl. Diseases are destroying the population, food is hard to find, birds don’t fly anymore, and the clouds are the wrong color.

I personally have a lot of mixed feelings about this book, because on the one side it is very interesting but on the other side it seems to be pretty generic YA book. Which means that I am torn in half on this book. 

This book gave me huge x-men vibes as well as the hunger games vibes which is really intriguing because these two things are different. After reading this book I can say honestly that this book isn’t bad nor good. 

The beginning of this book was very intriguing, which really grabbed my attention which of course made me give this some extra points. However the middle part of this book went downhill a little bit. And when we come closer and closer to the end, it becomes more and more disappointing. Because this book builds up to a big and very interesting ending which in my opinion this book doesn’t give us when we get to it.

The writing style here was good, to be honest I didn’t except the writing style to be so good as it was, which on its own made me like this book more. But at the same time the writings style in this book is strange in a way, because you cant explain it but you are left with a weird feeling about it.

When it comes to the main character of this book which is Juliette. I had some issues with her at the beginning of this book, because she had a huge obsession with numbers, but the further I got into this book the more I started to liking her. Its important to say that she isn’t the best character which I came across of. But she is a good character for a ya series.

I personally think that Juliette being the main character adds to the plot. Because there is something unique about her, and the more we get to know her the more we like her and the plot.

The rest of the characters in this book are surprisingly good, which rally surprised me because I cant remember the last time I liked all of the characters in a book. You can really tell that this book has a unique personality which really makes them a likable character even if they are the bad guy of the story.

The plot in this book is not a masterpiece, but it is interesting and enjoyable. If you are looking for a book to read while you cuddle up on the couch or in bed, then this book is the go-to here. The plot isn’t complicated and you don’t really need a lot of brain power to enjoy it.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“Way of the Wolf: Become a Master Closer with Straight Line Selling” By Jordan Belfort Review

For the first time ever, Jordan Belfort opens his playbook and gives readers access to his exclusive step-by-step system the same system he used to create massive wealth for himself, his clients, and his sales teams. Until now this revolutionary program was only available through Jordan s $1,997 online training. Now in The Way of the Wolf, Belfort is ready to unleash the power of persuasion to a whole new generation of readers, revealing how anyone can bounce back from devastating setbacks, master the art of persuasion, and build wealth. Every technique, every strategy, and every tip has been tested and proven to work in real-life situations.

I didn’t have a lot of expectations for this book before going into it which turns out to be a very good thing.

If you are looking for a good business and business psychology book, then this book isn’t a go to there. Because everything this book talked about could have been summarized into a 2-3 pages read instead of a 240 pages book.

This book makes some good points here and there but not enough of good points for this book to have 240 pages in it. However these good points we got in this book was very on point which made me give this book some extra points here and there.

The writing style and language in this book are very simple which means that everyone can read it and understand it. Because if this, I gave this book some extra points. Because some of the business books I’ve read in my time really seemed like you needed a bachelor degree in business to understand them.

In my opinion this book is mainly aimed at salesmen and saleswomen rather than any other category of people or for people who just want to learn about sales market.

This book was very repetitive at a lot of moments, because it was saying the same things over and over again which really made me feel like the author thought that the people who would read this book had a memory of a gold fish. 

The closer you get to the ending of this book, the more and more of lists, stats, objectives and scales you get which really made me give a feeling that the author himself didn’t know or care how to give us a good ending so he just decided to bombard us with stats, lists, diagrams which we would forget the moment we had put this book on the table.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“Icebreaker” By Hannah Grace Review

Anastasia Allen has worked her entire life for a shot at Team USA. It looks like everything is going according to plan when she gets a full scholarship to the University of California, Maple Hills and lands a place on their competitive figure skating team. Nate’s focus as team captain is on keeping his team on the ice. Which is tricky when a facilities mishap means they are forced to share a rink with the figure skating team—including Anastasia, who clearly can’t stand him.

I didn’t have any expectations for this book because it was so Tik Tok famous, and as we know nothing good comes out of Tik Tok. But it was much better than I first thought.

The two main characters in this book which of course are Anastasia and Nathan were surprisingly very good characters. And I loved them and the relationship they had with each other. 

When it comes to the rest of the characters in this book, I need to say that I wasn’t a big fan of them. Some of those side characters were kind of good but the majority of them were meh, I just didn’t care for them at all.

However I need to say that this book felt like a rip-off of “Fifty Shades Of Grey” but just in different setting and with milder sex scenes. But the rest was the same. Even the name of the main female character. Which really pissed me off because at times it felt like I was taken back in time to the time when I was reading the first book in the “fifty shades of grey” series. 

The plot here was interesting and very enjoyable. But I need to admit that at times the drama in this book was a little bit too much for me personally especially at the end.

The writing style here was surprising good. It wasn’t the best I’ve seen but it was very comfortable. And because of the writing style this book felt like a comfy read even thou it was far from a good book. 

The ending of this book was really what I wanted the ending to be without realizing it while I was reading this book. Which really made me give this book some extra points.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“How to Win Friends and Influence People” By Dale Carnegie Review

You can go after the job you want…and get it! You can take the job you have and improve it! You can take any situation you’re in…and make it work for you! Since its release in 1936, How to Win Friends and Influence People has sold more than 30 million copies. Dale Carnegie’s first book is a timeless bestseller, packed with rock-solid advice that has carried thousands of now famous people up the ladder of success in their business and personal lives.

Ive heard a lot of good things about this book, and thats why I decided to read this book. And I need to say that this book didn’t live up to all of expectations, which in a way disappointed me a little bit.

This book will for sure give you a lot of knowledge to learn from it, but at the same time some of the chapters in this book were short and I think that they should have been longer.

This book brushes against a lot of topics in psychology, like how to make people like you, how to influence other, be a good leader and how to make people feel important. And by doing so it gives us very good knowledge we can use in real life.

As I said above some of the advices were good to have in mind but other once where completely garbage and ridiculous.

The writing style here was meh to be fully honest here. Solely from the writing style you could tell that this book was written some time ago. This book was published in 1936, and the writing style pretty outdated and somehow hard to read at first if you aren’t accustomed to reading so old books.

This book is very well researched and done, but some of the tactics presented in this book are manipulative in way which makes me not applied them to real life because thats not quite ethical to be walking around and manipulating people to do what you want.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“Unrequited Infatuations: A Memoir” By Stevie Van Zandt Review

What story begins in a bedroom in suburban New Jersey in the early ’60s, unfolds on some of the country’s largest stages, and then ranges across the globe, demonstrating over and over again how Rock and Roll has the power to change the world for the better? This story. 

Ive been waiting to read this book ever since it was released back in late 2021 and finally I have read it.

Before we start this review I need to admit that I am a huge fan of Steven Van Zandt ever since I watched The Sopranos and Lilyhammer.

I had a lot of expectations for this book, which it quite didn’t live up to. And it made me sad.

But I need to admit that I didn’t know a lot about him before reading this book, and this book provides to you with his upbringing and his early days as a musician along side Bruce Springsteen. 

This book also contains some little fun facts about his life, like how he met Bruce Springsteen and how it was working on the Sopranos as well as on the Lilyhammer. Which I loved a lot.

But I personally would want to get more background and his experiences about how it was filming the sopranos and working with all of those good actors which were on the show.

This book also contains a lot of images from his life, like him with his family, behind the set of the sopranos, his parents etc.

But I need to admit that he comes of as really full of himself and bitter during a lot of moments in this book. 

At times he also come across as jealous of Bruce Springsteen’s super fame, and there were times he claimed that Bruce Springsteen getting famous was solely his doing. I need to say that I don’t know how true or false that is but still it felt like he was very very jealous and angry about Bruce Springsteen’s super fame.

There were times during this book where he claimed that the only reason Bruce Springsteen’s concert had sold out tickets to almost every concert was because of how great he was. Well I wouldn’t quite agree with that even thou I’m a big fan of his.

The writing style in this book was okay for the most part. But it was clear that he is a far better musician and actor than a writer. 

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“The Chestnut Man” By Søren Sveistrup Review

If you find one, he’s already found you. A psychopath is terrorizing Copenhagen. His calling card is a “chestnut man”—a handmade doll made of matchsticks and two chestnuts—which he leaves at each bloody crime scene. Examining the dolls, forensics makes a shocking discovery—a fingerprint belonging to a young girl, a government minister’s daughter who had been kidnapped and murdered a year ago.

I hate to say that but the Netflix series was much better than this book.

After I finished this book I was left with almost none opinions about this book. The reason behind this is because I was very neutral about this book and I just didn’t bother to make any strong opinions about it.

The plot is good, but the way it was written and presented to us made it feel like a disappointing in a way. Which really killed the hype I had for this book.

This book has a very good premise and a creepy vibe when we get to learn more about the serial killer who was terroizring the city of Copenhagen. However I was more and more disappointed in this book as I read it more of it.

The characters here are flat and they really felt like the same person over and over again but just in different clothes. However the characters had some good moments here and there which really made me give this book some points here and there.

The writing style here was very good, it really surprised me how good it is. The writing style made me want to read more books from this author. 

The beginning of this book was really good and promising. But the further this book went the more disappointed I got in this book. Which really sucked because I wanted to gives this book a higher rating because this book was the book I was most hyped about reading last year.

The huge twist at the end was really disappointing because I was expecting this huge mind-twisting revel of who the serial killer is. But unfortunately it didn’t happen. Which really made me think what the point of this book was.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“Lords of the Sith” By Paul S. Kemp Review

Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight, is just a memory. Darth Vader, newly anointed Sith Lord, is ascendant. The Emperor’s chosen apprentice has swiftly proven his loyalty to the dark side. Still, the history of the Sith Order is one of duplicity, betrayal, and acolytes violently usurping their Masters—and the truest measure of Vader’s allegiance has yet to be taken. Until now. On Ryloth, a planet crucial to the growing Empire as a source of slave labor and the narcotic known as “spice,” an aggressive resistance movement has arisen, led by Cham Syndulla, an idealistic freedom fighter, and Isval, a vengeful former slave. But Emperor Palpatine means to control the embattled world and its precious resources—by political power or firepower—and he will be neither intimidated nor denied. Accompanied by his merciless disciple, Darth Vader, he sets out on a rare personal mission to ensure that his will is done.

Even thou it might not be my favourite star wars book I’ve read so far. I find myself still loving the star wars books written from a Sith perspective. Because finally we get to see more insights of the dark side rather than always following the Jedis.

As some of you might already know Im not the biggest fan of the Disney star wars version they are forcing us to watch and read now on days after Disney have bought star wars.

However the title of this book is very misleading. Because only 25% of this book is about Darth Vader and the emperor palpatine. And the majority of this book is about the Free Ryloth movement, which really disappointed me because after reading the title I was expecting more Darth Vader and the emperor palpatine action.

The majority of this book centered on the Star Destroyer event. In the beginning it was fun to read about the Twi’lek strategy but after awhile it got very boring because it dragged for far too long which really took the wind out of this book.

This book made emperor palpatine to a very shitty character and very out of character. In this book emperor palpatine didn’t feel like the character we all grow to love over the 6 different movies and various lore and books.

It really annoyed me because all the scenes where we actually got to see emperor palpatine, all he did was stay silent as a rock or have a weird smirk on or laugh as a lunatic.

The majority of the side characters in this book are very flat and boring. To say it simply they are very forgettable. There was nothing unique or special about them. And they didn’t have anything which would make them likeable other than the fact that they were rebels.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“Wuthering Heights” By Emily Brontë Review

At the centre of this novel is the passionate love between Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff – recounted with such emotional intensity that a plain tale of the Yorkshire moors acquires the depth and simplicity of ancient tragedy.

Ive heard a lot of good about this book, so I finally decided to read it. I had no expectations for this book and the book really surprised me because it was good.

The plot it this book is very unique because it is about two characters with bad temperaments. Well what can go wrong there right ? It is for sure very unique and original, which really made me like it more than I should.

The plot in this book is dark and it is more or less pretty fucked up. I personally had hard time trying to find the “romantic” part about this book. There are some very sweet lines here and there in this book but other than that there is no romance in this book.

The characters in this book, were very good and they had so much depth into them. I really liked them even thou I wasn’t the biggest fan of them. But there was a part of me which really related to them in some weird way.

The writing style in this book was very amazing here, the old writing style together with the old English really set a comfortable mood to it. And it was like the author knew exactly what words to use to grab my attention.

However there were couple of things which I didn’t like about this book. One of these things I didn’t like was Heathcliff’s obsession if you will for Catherine. 

This book is full of revenge moves, toxic relationships and misery. But in a way these things was what made me like this book, and grab my attention to the ending.

I Give This Book 3 / 5