“The Last Wish” By Andrzej Sapkowski Book Review

Geralt the Witcher—revered and hated—is a man whose magic powers, enhanced by long training and a mysterious elixir, have made him a brilliant fighter and a merciless assassin. Yet he is no ordinary murderer: his targets are the multifarious monsters and vile fiends that ravage the land and attack the innocent.  But not everything monstrous-looking is evil and not everything fair is good… and in every fairy tale there is a grain of truth.

Its important to mention before we start this review that this book isn’t the first book published in The Witcher series, but this book is the one to start this The Witcher book series with.

This book isn’t a typical novel because it is a collection of 6 short stories which introduces you as a reader to the world in the series and to various characters in the universe which Geralt have or had some kind of relationship with at some point through out the life span of the book series. 

I personally am not a fan of a book which is basically a collection of short stories like this book is. Which may explain why I give this one the rating I give. 

The writing style is pretty okay but there are times where the writing goes down hill for awhile. As well as there are times when the writing style feels like a cross between Harry Potter and A Song of Ice and Fire Series.

I had high expectations for this book because of the bad as games. But unfortunately this book didn’t leave up to my expectations. 

However this book needs to get points for the fun fairytale vibe which it has. But also for the fun way the author have mixed seriousness and humor in this book.

The characters are pretty okay. There are some good characters and there are some annoying characters. Which you can pretty much expect from a book series. 

If you want me to be honest with you then you got to know that this book is more or less a load of dated,  men-centered together with male-gazey nonsense mixed together with dubious logic and no understanding of morality or human nature.

Yeah the book the book didn’t go well with me. 

There were times when you got the vibe that the author mostly had no idea what he is talking about, especially when it came to women being involved.

The world which we get in this book is incredible and I would love to know more about it and get some different stories out of it. But this book really doesn’t use the potential of the characters nor the world. 

I need also give this book points for the cool and different approach to high fantasy which is very distinct from Tolkien books and stories. 

I need to mention that there were some generic epic fantasy issues especially when it comes to mundane sexism. But of course I cant mention them because this is a spoiler free review.

When it comes to the dialogues in this book. The dialogue were pretty uneven kindly said. There were times where the dialogues had probably way too much exposition and varied very wildly in tone to each other.

The whole mythology behind this book was pretty impressing when it comes to all the things which wasn’t so great in this book.

I give this book 3 / 5

“Season of Storms” By Andrzej Sapkowski Review

Geralt of Rivia. A witcher whose mission is to protect ordinary people from the monsters created with magic. A mutant who has the task of killing unnatural beings. He uses a magical sign, potions and the pride of every witcher — two swords, steel and silver. But what would happen if Geralt lost his weapons? In this standalone novel, Geralt fights, travels and loves again, Dandelion sings and flies from trouble to trouble, sorcerers are scheming and across the whole world clouds are gathering – the season of storms is coming.

This book is the best book in the whole Witcher series. There is a lot of action as in the first book in this series and we get the biggest nostalgia to the first book in this series.

The plot in this book is amazing. We get close-up fights with monsters, we get court conspires, insane wizards and plenty of sarcasm and irony which is what got me to be so big fan of the Witcher book series. 

This book gives us us insight into various holes in the Witcher lore which the previous books in the series left open.

However this book is more of a standalone novel in the Witcher series than a continuation of the Witcher series. But I still loved this book a lot. 

I personally think that this book is the best option to end the Witcher series with, since it gives us what the first book in this series gave us and it really is an amazing end point to the Witcher series. 

Geralt is so amazing main character and this book really proves why. It really shows that he is a good guy however his decisions might not always be the best. 

The writing style here is amazing as well. If you read the first Witcher book and you read this book. It really shows how much the author have grown in his writing skills since the first book. 

I Give This Book 4 / 5

“Lady of the Lake” By Andrzej Sapkowski Review

After walking through the portal in the Tower of Swallows while narrowly escaping death, Ciri finds herself in a completely different world… an Elven world. She is trapped with no way out. Time does not seem to exist and there are no obvious borders or portals to cross back into her home world. But this is Ciri, the child of prophecy, and she will not be defeated. She knows she must escape to finally rejoin the Witcher, Geralt, and his companions – and also to try to conquer her worst nightmare. Leo Bonhart, the man who chased, wounded and tortured Ciri, is still on her trail. And the world is still at war.

This book is the longest book in the Witcher series. But it really is worth the effort and the time to read it. 

The plot here was amazing, and it kept you on the edge from page 1 to the last page. There was a lot of action and there is a lot of tension happening in this book. Which in my opinion only makes this book better and more fun to read.

This book has over 500 pages, but it truly is an quick read since this book is a page turner. And the time goes fast by when you get sucked into the world of Witcher which is one of the best fantasy worlds to be ever written.

In this book we also get the gran finally of the Witcher series. Which really is a bitter sweet experience since this book is amazing but the fact that the series ends is very sad. However the ending should have been better, it really is a disappointment in a way after spending time reading all the books in this series. 

The writing style in this book is amazing, just as in the rest of this series. There is something very unique and charismatic to the writing style of Andrzej Sapkowski which really makes this series even better.

The characters in this book are amazing. They all had huge character developments from the first book and they really become as your friends when you read all the books and you come to this book.

The beginning was slow in a way, but the more you read the more the action grew in this book which was really amazing to see happen in this last book of the series.

The action here was okay in a way. We don’t get the same action as we got in the first book when the Geralt were fighting monsters and saving people. Which disappointed me in a way, but I still enjoyed the action in this book since it was somehow different than the first book. 

I Give This Book 4 / 5

“The Tower of the Swallow” By Andrzej Sapkowski Review

The world has fallen into war. Ciri, the child of prophecy, has vanished. Hunted by friends and foes alike, she has taken on the guise of a petty bandit and lives free for the first time in her life. But the net around her is closing. Geralt, the Witcher, has assembled a group of allies determined to rescue her. Both sides of the war have sent brutal mercenaries to hunt her down. Her crimes have made her famous. There is only one place left to run. The tower of the swallow is waiting.

To be fully honest here, in my opinion this book was the best book in this series so far but I still have 2 more books in this series to read so a lot can happen.

The plot here was very slow but at the same time very interesting. There isn’t a lot of adventure or sword fights in this book but it still finds a way to keep us as readers engaged in it and find it interesting.

The characters here are just wow. You can really see the character development and the character change which happened to all characters between this book and the previous book before this one. We also get to know what happened to Ciri between the actions of the previous books and this one. Which in my opinion only adds more to this book and the character itself.

However surprisingly we get every little of Yenefer. Which I personally find to enjoy because I am not a fan of her. But I came to like her in this book which a big surprise to me.

The plot in this book is really about family, friendship, love and loyalty which is a huge surprised when it comes to a Witcher book but at the same time also a very positive surprise. 

The writing style here somehow gets better than from the previous book. I don’t know how it happened but it did and I love to see Andrzej Sapkowski become better author and to see Witcher series becoming better.

The ending in this book is a really big cliff-hanger and the moment I finished this book I couldn’t stop myself from immediately start on the next book in this series to find out what happens next.

I Give This Book 5 / 5

“Paradoks” By Artur Urbanowicz Review

What do you think – are you the best version of yourself? The best you can afford…?Maks Okrągły “Square” is the best math student in the department and a morbid perfectionist. His mind, imbued with the queen of science, has switched to extreme efficiency – the boy learns faster, does more and achieves better results than his peers. However, this situation has its dark side – Maks subconsciously despises other people and treats them in advance. Paradoxically, however, he most despises… himself – especially when he makes a mistake that, in his opinion, is unbecoming of him, and he feels powerful anger about it. Sometimes it takes extreme forms – Maks inflicts increasingly severe punishment on himself through self-mutilation and is tormented by paranoid thoughts interspersed with terrifying visions – including that he is being stalked by his doppelgänger who hates him and wants to kill him. However, he does not know that the real nightmare is just coming and he will find out for himself the literalness of the saying “Better is the enemy of good”. Has Max’s doppelgänger, the epitome of his obsession with perfection, really ceased to be just a hallucination of a tormented mind?

At the time of writing of this review this book is only available in polish. 

I gotta say that this book started really hot, and it really didn’t fail to grab your attention and your interested. But the last 100 pages of this book really killed off some of the hype which the book was building up to from the first page.

This book is categories in the horror genre, but to be fully honest it rather a mystery book than a horror book. There is one scene in this book which feels like a horror but the rest of this book is rather a mystery investigation.

The characters in this book are very good and it really felt like I would have no problem becoming friends with the characters. The characters here are few of them but they really felt like real human beings in a way because you spend almost 600 pages of getting to know them.

The ending is okay, I expected it to be different but it was super satisfying and the evil might win at the end of this book. Which really made me like the ending.

This book is very good at living in your head when you take break from it. And it really keeps you wondering what will happen next.

Descriptions in this book are very good, and they give you an very good picture in your head. Which I personally love when this happen. 

I Give This Book 4 / 5

“Grzesznik” By Artur Urbanowicz Review

Marek Suchocki “Suchy”, the boss of the Suwałki underworld, learns that his most dangerous competitor is leaving prison. Without waiting for further developments, he and his faithful people decide to face him once and for all. The settlements end tragically – Marek falls down the stairs and suffers a strong concussion. When he regains consciousness after a week’s coma, it turns out that his group has been shattered and all the money earned through years of criminal activity is gone. His opponent, through his brutal and uncompromising achievements, once baptized as a Sinner by the media, makes himself known as a brilliant, incredibly intelligent psychopath who knows no mercy. He confronts Dry with a choice – he will either give in, or he will be taken from everything he has ever enjoyed. To make matters worse, Mark’s terrifying new abilities are revealed shortly after the accident

Another amazing book from the polish author Artur Urbanowicz. This was my third book written by Artur Urbanowicz and so far it was probably my second favourite but also it makes me realise that Artur Urbanowicz is criminal underrated. 

After reading this book I need to say that Artur Urbanowicz have surprised me with this book in a good way of course. Because it really felt like a masterpiece.

The description of this book is very misleading I need to say after reading this book because it really have taken a entire new turn after like 2/3 part of this book. Because this book started with a typical mob leader theme but then after like the 2 / 3 this book have taken an entire new turn to a different theme which I can’t revile because it will classify as a spoiler.

The plot of this book was very interesting and super enjoyable because it sort of was a typical mob plot but then it started to take more and more different turn which I really enjoyed. 

The writing style was amazing. The writing style felt like it was written by Stephen King and not like an author who only have written like 5 full books at this point. What Im trying to say is that it feels like it was written by someone who have bigger experience rather than just 5 books.

The ending have had an okay twist there, of course it could have been better but I can’t complain because it was good enough. But the really the ending made me give this book 1 star less than I intended to give it originally. Because it sort of killed of the eerie mood which this book was building up since the beginning which really disappointed me. 

I Give This Book 4 / 5

“Gałęziste” By Artur Urbanowicz Review

Don’t believe anything you see or hear. There is a house where you don’t want to spend the night. For some reason, the darkness in it is different. Even more sinister than anywhere else. There is a lake where the undead live. Their advantage over you is simple – they don’t need to take a breath. There is a demon that you wish you didn’t know existed. An immaterial personification of evil that cannot be escaped. There is a place where this house is located. A place in the heart of which this lake is also hidden, and where this demon has always been. It’s a forest. A forest in which you would not want to get lost for anything in the world. Once you enter it, it won’t let you leave.

To be fair here I didn’t have any exceptions for this book. Which really made me enjoy this book more. All I knew about this book was that it had a cool cover and that it was written by an author which work I’ve read once before and I completely loved the book.

The plot in this book was just wow. It was amazing, it was like a regular horror story taking place in the woods but it had a very unique new perspective to it which I truly loved. And that it takes place in Poland makes it even more fun for someone like me who is from Poland. But there were times where the plot was too predictable which didn’t go well with me.

The writing style could have been better, which brought the atmosphere in this book down. Which really sucks because if the writing was better then this book would have been a banger. 

The most annoying thing with this book is that it was so slow, and true action didn’t really happen until the second half of this book. It really annoyed me because the first half was many times so boring and it was nothing but drama between the 2 main characters.

The characters were okay here. I don’t like them at all. The main characters really annoyed me because there were making so stupid choices some times. And I couldn’t really relate to them, because the main female character was to hardcore religions and the main male character was acting like a child for 90% of this book. But there were few times were I could relate to them. The 2 main characters are adults but in the fist half of this book were acting like teenagers who are in relationship but don’t want to break up because they have been together for couple of years. 

The ending had some good twists there. Which I truly loved in this book. But the main twist at the end was so god damn an obvious that even a child could have seen it coming. 

After all it was an okay read but nothing too extraordinary. There were couple of things which didn’t work for me and there were couple of things which I enjoyed a lot. 

I give this book 3 / 5

“Baptism of Fire” By Andrzej Sapkowski Review

The Wizards Guild has been shattered by a coup and, in the uproar, Geralt was seriously injured. The Witcher is supposed to be a guardian of the innocent, a protector of those in need, a defender against powerful and dangerous monsters that prey on men in dark times. But now that dark times have fallen upon the world, Geralt is helpless until he has recovered from his injuries. 

This is my favourite Witcher book so far. And gotta say that if the rest of the series gonna be so good or even better than this one Im here for it and I’m gonna keep reading.

The plot is pretty okay, which really surprised me because the previous book in this series was sort of MEH. The plot of this book is simply more or less non existent. 

The writing style is quit not there yet on the level with George R.R Martin but its getting there when we look again at the previous book in this series.

Don’t get me wrong the series is impressive and better than many other fantasy series but its not quit the “A Song Of Ice And Fire” series which if you didn’t know is my favourite fantasy series so far.

To be honest I’ve enjoyed this one a little more than the previous once in this series.

This book is more about Milva and Cahir rather than Geralt, which sort  of disappointed me.

I give this book 3 / 5

“The Time of Contempt” By Andrzej Sapkowski Book Review

Geralt is a witcher: guardian of the innocent; protector of those in need; a defender, in dark times, against some of the most frightening creatures of myth and legend. His task, now, is to protect Ciri. A child of prophecy, she will have the power to change the world for good or for ill — but only if she lives to use it.

So far it is the weakest book in The Witcher series. 

In this book for some reason Geralt stopped slaughtering monsters and began being generally your kind uncle who is arrogant but gives you cash whenever you ask for it. Which doesn’t suit Geralt because he supposed to be the bad ass witcher who is all about justice. 

The writing style again felt like a cross between Harry Potter and A Song of Ice and Fire Series. And again there were times where the writing style goes down hill for awhile. 

The thing which may annoy a lots of people is the vicious and deadly relationship drama attacks between Geralt and Yennefer which happens way too many times to even count it. Because of this, this book felt more like a romance / toxic relationship book than a fantasy book which a lots of people love.

And still women are treated as nothing more than sex toys which of course happened in the previous books as well. The author for the most part offers us a sharp,  splendid, expert, flawless depiction of the gentler females. This book is putting women in such a bad light that it is surprised that the left didn’t make it to the official feminist bible.

The plot was bad in this one. But I need to give the author points for actually trying on this one to take this book somewhere but of course with that plot you won’t get far.

The whole focus of this story was on the drama between Geralt and Yennefer and the action which should be in this book almost didn’t exist on this one. The spotlight in this book was on Geralt, Yennefer and sometimes of Ciri.

The storytelling is terrible and the potential was not even looked at by the author in this book.

The narration itself was extremely boring. Which doesn’t make the book better. 

There are parts where this book gives a huge YA fantasy vibe which again isn’t that great for someone who isn’t a fan of YA.

The characters are pretty okay. There are some good characters and there are some annoying characters. However these annoying characters really takes away this one. 

I give this book 2 / 5

“Hashtag” By Remigiusz Mróz Review

“Your package is waiting for you!” Was the message that seemed to be a simple mistake. Tesa wasn’t expecting any delivery, she wouldn’t order anything online – and even if she did, she certainly wouldn’t have chosen to deliver to a parcel locker. If she didn’t have to, she didn’t leave the house. However, she decided to check the mysterious package – and it turned out to be the biggest mistake she had ever made. She fell into a spiral of events that would completely change her life

At the time of writting this review this book is only available in Polish.

This book is sort is sort of a mystery-thriller book. Which isnt that good as you may think. If you are Polish and you know that author you might assocaite him crime series which is somehow popular in Poland.

However this book is a good prove that some authors should get out of writting books in the genre which made them popular in the first place.

It is said that this book is pyschological thriller but it is far from it, if you want me the be truly honest with you.

There are dozens and dozens pieces in this book which doesnt fit in togeter. There are sort of jumping back and forward in time all the time. And there is some kind of two dimensions vibe to this book because of the fact that the jumping in time happens so often in this book.

The characters in this book are too flat to even be ranked somewhere on the character scal. Which really speaks for itself. Yes there are few characters in this book, but none of them are worth speaking of or even mentioning. You can’t relate to any characters in this book which makes it not easy to like this book

The psychological game in this book is okay but it is to poor written and put together. The beginning was good but when the game began to bring in more details and the jumps in timeline become more and more frequent it had just ruin the story a lot.

The thing with Twitter involvement in this book is pretty good, but still kind of cheap trick and use of the psychological game. Even the unknown number calls or texts would be much better in this book than the Twitter element.

The writing style is kind of a cheap. Of course there are times where the writing style really drags you into the story but there arent a lots of these times and these times also doesnt last that long as you would like.

The way how the author choose to present the story to us was kind of a cheap and boring. It almost feels like the author really hard tried to be Stephen King and Dan Brown at the same time. Which never will work if you know the work of these two authors.

Even if you are a fan of psycholgical books like myself, you wil have hard time vibing with the story or even liking it.

I give this book 2 / 5