“Aftermath” By Chuck Wendig Review

As the Empire reels from its critical defeats at the Battle of Endor, the Rebel Alliance—now a fledgling New Republic—presses its advantage by hunting down the enemy’s scattered forces before they can regroup and retaliate. But above the remote planet Akiva, an ominous show of the enemy’s strength is unfolding. Out on a lone reconnaissance mission, pilot Wedge Antilles watches Imperial Star Destroyers gather like birds of prey circling for a kill, but he’s taken captive before he can report back to the New Republic leaders.

This book takes place some time before the Star Wars: The Force Awakens. And it was relatively a good book.

The plot here was good, interesting and enjoyable. However the plot kept changing between characters which was really hard to keep up with this. Near the ending we got one short chapter about Han Solo and Chewbacca. But this chapter wasn’t relevant to the book and it was like just giving us a hint that the OG characters are still around.

There are many moments in this book that were super unnecessary and should have been skipped. But of course they weren’t.

This book gives us new characters but it keeps talking about the OG characters like Darth Vader, Leia, Luke, Han, Chewbacca and Darth Sidious. Which really pissed me off because if the point of the author was to give us new characters then he shouldn’t keep bringing the OG character in almost every sentence.

The new characters in this book were very flat. And the fact that the book is mentioning the original character almost in every sentence doesn’t make it better. Because it didn’t give us the chance to like the new character but this book is rather throwing at us memories of the original character like “remember when Han Solo did that?”, “Remember when Darth Vader killed Darth Sidious?”.

The writing style here was very simple and easy. Which really made it good mix with the easy plot in this book.

To be honest this book feels like its meant for teens since nothing bad happens in it and it has the huge hope vibe to the entire book. And both the plot and the writing style are very easy and they dint require a lot of brain power to it.

To be fully honest this book should have been written by a author who have written good star wars books in the past like Timothy Zahn, R.A. Salvatore and some other authors.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure” By Cecil Castellucci Review

Reeling from their disastrous defeat on Hoth, the heroic freedom fighters of the REBEL ALLIANCE have scattered throughout space, pursued by the agents of the sinister GALACTIC EMPIRE. One rebel task force protects PRINCESS LEIA, bearing her in secrecy from star to star. As the last survivor of Alderaan’s House of Organa, Leia is a symbol of freedom, hunted by the Empire she has opposed for so long.

Another amazing book from the Star Wars Universe. I always loved Star Wars and Leia and at this point Leia is the OG of all time. 

This book takes place between The Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi. And it is about one of many adventure which Leia had. This book needs to get points for making Leia even deeper and better character than what she already was. I always loved Leia as a character and after reading this book I just love her more.

This book is very good because it gives Leia more emotional depth while introducing compelling new characters to the universe which I love.

Of course this book is an YA book so there are some parts of this book which might not fit well with the adults readers but still this book brings more to Leia and makes her even more likeable.

The plot of this book is so fucking good because it involves making difficult decisions on Leia’s part but also it has real consequences to the rebellion and to Leia’s mission.  

The characters in this book are so well done, of course we talked already about Leia but I need to complement the other characters in this book because they were almost as good as Leia. Of course we have known Leia as a character since the first star wars movie back in 1977 while the majority of characters in this book are brand new which means that we don’t know as much about them as the original characters as Leia and Luke. But still they deserve the spotlight time because they were amazing. 

My main problem with this book is that I wish that there were more stormtroopers in it, don’t get it wrong this book has some good stormtroopers moments in it. But I still wished to see more of them in this book even thou it is a book about Leia. 

I Give This Book 4 / 5

“Star Wars: Before the Awakening” By Greg Rucka Review

A companion piece to the “Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens” character novels, Star Wars: Before the Awakening is an anthology book that focuses on the lives of Rey, Finn, and Poe before the events of the Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

I gotta say that this book was a decent intro book to the new trilogy of Star Wars. I personally don’t like the new trilogy but I liked this book.

This book has 3 different stories in it. One story is from Finn, the second story is from Rey and the last one is from Poe. The first and the last story were very good but the middle one which belonged to Rey really made me want to erase the new trilogy and everything linked with it from existence. Both the first and last story brings more instate to Finn and Poe and makes me but the middle story makes the opposite. It makes me hate Ray more than I already did. 

The characters in this book are a little bit spread a little bit. Leia bad ass as always, Finn and Poe good characters and Rey sucks as always. In this book both Finn and Poe get more to them which makes them more likeable and they backstory gets expanded which I loved. 

This book as action to it but the last story really brings the most exciting action to the table. Finn’s story had good amount of action which I’ve enjoyed. Ray’s story was so boring that it made me want to throw this book into the fireplaces. And Poe’s story was just the best thing ever in this book because there were planes, space travel and a lots of action. 

Ray’s story feels like it is way too long, and it stretch to the point where it makes her entire story more and more boring. Her story doesn’t tell us anything which we already didn’t know about her from the movies. Her entire story told us basically that she lives in a desert, she is a scavenger and that it. 

The writing style here was okay but it felt like this book was written from middle class kids rather than adults fans of the franchise. Of course I didn’t mind that.

I give this book 3 / 5

“Smuggler’s Run: A Han Solo & Chewbacca Adventure” By Greg Rucka Review

It is a period of civil war. The heroic freedom fighters of the REBEL ALLIANCE have won their most important victory thus far with the destruction of the Empire’s ultimate weapon, the DEATH STAR. But the Rebellion has no time to savor its victory. The evil Galactic Empire has recognized the threat the rebels pose, and is now searching the galaxy for any and all information that will lead to the final destruction of the freedom fighters. For the MILLENNIUM FALCON’s crew, who saved the life of Luke Skywalker during the Battle of Yavin, their involvement with the rebels is at an end. Now HAN SOLO and CHEWBACCA hope to take their reward and settle some old debts.

This book is a very entertaining, interesting and fun read. However it isn’t a super advanced read and you don’t need brain power to read and enjoy this book. This book is an also a good read to fill more of the Star Wars timeline.

I would say that this good is a middle school level book because it doesn’t have brutal content in it and it is very easy to understand. While reading this book you can truly turn off your brain for a while but still have good time. 

The plot here was very entertaining. It was very easy and very interesting. It engaged you from the first chapter and it really makes it easy to love more Han Solo and Chewbacca and the relationship which they two have with each other. The plot is very basic but you still will have a good time reading it and at the same time you will be able to shut down your brain and just get into the world of Star Wars.

This book gives us expansion of Han Solo and Chewbacca as characters but also this book gives us expansion of the universe of Star Wars in a way. It had taken us to places which I don’t remember seeing or reading about before but also it introduces new characters to the universe which never gets boring when it comes to Star Wars.

The characters in this book was so incredible. Of course the two main characters in this book Han Solo and Chewbacca are as awesome as always but we also get many otters good characters in this universe which I personally I’m super thankful because it never gets boring discovering new characters in the Star Wars franchise. 

The written style was vert basic and easy but that in a way made this whole book for me so enjoyable because the plot was also very basic and easy. In this way the writing style and the plot made an incredible match in this book.

This book gives us good space fights which I am a big fan of in Star Wars. And this book really shows that Han Solo and Chewbacca are the best fucking pilots to every exist. And Millennium Falcon is the best fucking spaceship in existents which means a lot because there are dozens and dozens of bad ass spaceships in Star Wars.

This book will keep you on edge from start to the end of this book, which all books should be like. I really couldn’t put this book down and I just needed to finish it. 

I give this book 5 / 5

“The Weapon of a Jedi: A Luke Skywalker Adventure” By Jason Fry Review

The REBEL ALLIANCE has destroyed the Empire’s dreaded DEATH STAR, but the galaxy remains convulsed by civil war, and the Imperial starfleet is hunting the rebels throughout the galaxy. LUKE SKYWALKER, the pilot who destroyed the Death Star, is now hailed as a hero. But Luke seeks only to support the freedom fighters, serving the Rebellion behind the controls of his X-wing fighter.Even as he flies alongside the pilots of Red Squadron, Luke feels stirrings in the mystical energy field known as the Force. And this farm boy turned fighter pilot begins to suspect his destiny lies along a different path.

I was super excited to read this book and I had high expectations for this book as for any other Star Wars book and movie and show because it the fucking Star Wars we are talking about. 

This book is a fun little book to read and the cover of this book will make a killing on your bookshelf because it so stunning. But the book itself when you look behind the cover it is just an okay space opera adventure of Luke Skywalker. Of course this book shows a little bit better what relations did Luke, C3-PO and R2-D2 had with each other which really was the best thing about this book for me at least.

This book doesn’t add anything new to the universe of Star Wars nor to the characters here. But he get a nice little adventure which Luke, C3-PO and R2-D2 had after the events in episode 4 but before episode 5. It was very fun to learn about this adventure and it was a decent book but it didn’t engage me so good as some other Star Wars books.

The plot here was good but it was very short so as you might expect we didn’t get a lot of details or a super detailed adventure but for me this book worked fine. This book is from C3-PO and R2-D2 perceptive so it is them telling this story but the reactions which these two have with each other is like the best thing ever. 

The plot of this book is mainly Luke learning on how to use The Force and how to fight with a lightsaber. And of course we get some very good descriptions on what to keep in mind when you are learning to use both the The Force and a lightsaber which really for me was the highlight of this book.

The writing style wasn’t super advanced here, to be honest it was super basic but I didn’t mind it because a book doesn’t need to have an academic writing style in it to still be good and enjoyable. 

In this book we get very really little characters and half off these characters doesn’t get more than a page or two involving them. But Sarco was very interesting character in this book which really could have been explored more in this universe.

I give this book 3 / 5

“Dark Tide I: Onslaught” By Michael A. Stackpole Review

Twenty-one years after the destruction of Darth Vader and the Emperor, the Star Wars galaxy has been hit by a threat more deadly than anything that has gone before. In VECTOR PRIME, aliens invaded from outside the galaxy and were routed at great cost to our heroes. Now, in a climate of mistrust – especially of the Jedi – Leia cannot convince the New Republic that the threat may not be over, even as the next wave of alien warships are entering the galaxy.

So this was my first star wars book I’ve ever read. Of course I’ve read some star wars comics here and there but not actually a book. And since im a huge star wars fan who have seen every movie at least 10 times and played most of the star wars games I’ve head expectations for this book. 

At first this book was very good but as the ending was closer and closer it was going farther and farther down the hill. And when the last 5 chapters were around the corner I was questioning if there is a point of reading it to the end.

The writing style was okay, but it was far from the best I’ve seen or read. But still it could have been better. I don’t know if the author is to blame here or the whole editorial team behind the “New Jedi Order” book series.

When it comes to the plot, then at the beginning it was good but after like 150 pages is just ran down the hill which is so fucking sad because it is Star Wars we are talking about right now.

There are couple of things which I didn’t like, of course I won’t give you any spoilers because spoilers aren’t cool. But that thing which made me the most angry was that Han Solo, was only in this book for half page. And later he was just once mentioned which is sad. Because I wanted to see more of Han Solo and not just Leia and Luke.

The ending was a torture to read, it was so boring and so badly done. Both the plot at the end and the writing style at the end were the worst thing you have ever seen in the star wars franchise. Even when you compare it with the new star wars trilogy. 

This book was the biggest disappointing since watching how bad of a character Kylo Ren was in the movie trilogy. 

I give this book 2 / 5

“Book Of Sith ” by Daniel Wallace Review

In his quest for total domination, Darth Sidious compiled six legendary dark side texts detailing Sith history and philosophy by Sorzus Syn, Darth Malgus, Darth Bane, Mother Talzin, Darth Plagueis, and himself. Together these documents form the Book of Sith. Over the centuries, the texts were passed among Force users who left handwritten notes and annotations in the margins, including Darth Vader, Yoda, Mace Windu, and Luke Skywalker, among others. Collected by acclaimed Star Wars writer Daniel Wallace and embellished by numerous esteemed Star Wars illustrators, this volume introduces new characters and history, and delves deeper into understanding the philosophies and methods behind the dark side of the Force.

If you are a huge Star Wars fan just like me, you will probably enjoy this book the same way as I need. And if you are not a Star Wars then the book will not go so well with you.

This one is the second must read for every Star Wars fan we are talking about on this blog. 

This one is very similar to “The Jedi Path” I have reviewed on this blog few days ago. But this one is of course about Sith path, and to be honest this one gives a bigger history lesson than the “The Jedi Path”. 

This book is a compilation of various Sith texts written by several different Sith lords and master. This of course includes Darth Plagueis, The Emperor, Mother Talzin and many others. 

This book is made of several different “books” from the Sith side, which really brings you different insights to the Sith mystery. Because you have texts written by Palpatine, texts written from Mother Talzin which is the leader for Nightsisters which should have been more involved in the movies and you have texts written by other Sith lords and masters like Darth Bane.

This book involves many different topics linked closely to the dark side. These topics are all the way from Sith history and practitioners to different creatures bad ass weapons.

It’s important to mention that this book also involves somehow chronicled Palpatine’s rise to power as one of the most important Siths. 

This book gives you different point of views which Siths like Darth Bane, Emperor, Mother Talzin and many others had. 

Of course this one to involves notes or commentary notes from different characters from the Star Wars universe. 

This book adds a lot to the mystery about Siths and how dope they really are.

From the moment you get this book in your hands you will see that there was a lots of effort and knowledge put into this book. 

This book is a pleasure to read as long as you are a Star Wars fan and wants to increase your Star Wars knowledge and have some fun with it. 

This book have 160 pages which means that this book is a short read which can be read in one or two sittings. 

The illustrations in this book are brilliant and adds to the value of this book. 

You will read in this book about what Siths value and what techniques they use, together with the famous “Rule of two” and how it really works. 

This book gets 5 / 5

“The Jedi Path” by Daniel Wallace Review

With the push of a button, the doors of the vault open in a wash of light and Star Wars sound effects. The inner platform rises, revealing this exclusive edition of The Jedi Path. This ancient training manual, crafted by early Jedi Masters, has educated and enlightened generations of Jedi. It explains the history and hierarchy of the Jedi Order, and what Jedi must know to take their place as defenders of the peace in the galaxy — from mastery of the Force to the nuances of lightsaber combat.

If you are a huge Star Wars fan just like me, you will probably enjoy this book the same way as I need. And if you are not a Star Wars then the book will not go so well with you.

This book will give you the feel as though you’re a padawan who might be reading this as part of your teachings. 

This book is basically a Jedi Codex or path which every Jedi learn and needs to follow since they choose the Jedi Path.

This book is a treasure trove of information pertaining to Jedi and the Jedi Order. Because you will most likely get a huge insight to the Jedi world and it will paint a bigger picture for you.

This book is both a Jedi guidebook and a history lesson of the Jedi Order. And it gives you insight into what it means to be a Jedi Knight and a lots of hints at the philosophies, structures, and mantras of the Jedi.

This book talks about how a lightsaber is made and different types of Jedi + their function. But you will also get the insight of the Jedi Trials and all the Knighting ceremony which the Jedis have.

From the moment you get this book in your hands you will see that there was a lots of effort and knowledge put into this book. 

In this book you will also get small notes or commentary notes from different characters from the Star Wars universe which will make the pleasure of reading this book bigger. Some of the characters I mentioned are Luke, Yoda, Obi Wan, Emperor and the great Anakin.

This book is a pleasure to read as long as you are a Star Wars fan and wants to increase your Star Wars knowledge and have some fun with it. 

There are a lots of illustrations in this book which again adds a lots to this book. These illustrations which you will find in this book goes all the way from how a lightsaber is created to what clothes the Jedis must wear depending on their rank in the Jedi Order.

If you are a Star Wars fan then this book is a must read, because it will give you knowledge which probably didn’t know about. And this book involves things which the films did not involve.

This book have 160 pages which means that this book is a short read which can be read in one or two sittings. 

This book gets 5 / 5