“1984” By George Orwell Review

Among the seminal texts of the 20th century, Nineteen Eighty-Four is a rare work that grows more haunting as its futuristic purgatory becomes more real. Published in 1949, the book offers political satirist George Orwell’s nightmarish vision of a totalitarian, bureaucratic world and one poor stiff’s attempt to find individuality. The brilliance of the novel is Orwell’s prescience of modern life—the ubiquity of television, the distortion of the language—and his ability to construct such a thorough version of hell. Required reading for students since it was published, it ranks among the most terrifying novels ever written.

I need to say that this book has been on my TBR for years, and this year I finally read it and I’m so very glad that I finally read it because this book is so amazing.

This book has 2 parts, and the 1 first part of it was for me personally hard to read, but the second part was completely amazing. Because in the second part its where this book really got its chance to shine.

This book was relevant when it was first published but now in 2024 its even more relevant, because humans in the majority of countries are becoming more and more like cyborgs. Which means that we as humans depend more and more on our phones, internet, headphones, laptops, tablets, tv etc.

The plot here is amazing, because its paint a very real version of dystopia and how everything would go downhill. Even thou this book is a fictional book, the dystopia in this book seems very real and like it might happen in a few decades. Which really made me love this book a lot because of it.

This book contains topics as humans being controlled by the government, no free speech, harsh and strict political rules, language manipulation, propaganda, excessive surveillance and everything we do and say being recorded. Which a lot of those topics are becoming more and more relevant now, and you will see it if you watch the news channels or read newspapers. 

The writing style here was amazing, because it felt like George Orwell knew what words to use to grab my attention and to not let it go to the very end.

The two main characters we get in this book which of course are Winston and Julia are amazing, because you can feel their struggles, and how much they try to live their live under those harsh, brutal and strict rules which are set by the government.

I Give This Book 4 / 5

“Little Women” By Louisa May Alcott Review

It is no secret that Alcott based Little Women on her own early life. While her father, the freethinking reformer and abolitionist Bronson Alcott, hobnobbed with such eminent male authors as Emerson, Thoreau, and Hawthorne, Louisa supported herself and her sisters with “woman’s work,” including sewing, doing laundry, and acting as a domestic servant. But she soon discovered she could make more money writing. Little Women brought her lasting fame and fortune, and far from being the “girl’s book” her publisher requested, it explores such timeless themes as love and death, war and peace, the conflict between personal ambition and family responsibilities, and the clash of cultures between Europe and America.

I’ve heard a lot of good about this book which is why I decided to read it, and I got to say that this book doesn’t deserve all the hype it gets on boktube. 

It is important to keep in mind that this book has two parts, which sometimes are published as two different books. And these two parts are named “little women” and “good wives”. 

My main problem with this book is that we get 4 main characters, and all of them are way too perfect. They never do anything wrong, they want to please everyone, they want to serve everyone etc. they were super unrealistic which really makes it very detached from reality.

And all the love stories which the 4 main characters are just so perfectly shows us that it really doesn’t make sense to the reader, and really makes us thing that they would last an hour in the real world.

The writing style here was actually very good and it was the reason why I gave this book 2 starts instead of one. 

However you are a feminist and like books with feminist themes then you will like this book a lot. 

This book was very uninteresting and even boring at times which really made me angry because when I wanted to really love this book, but of course it didn’t happen.

The plot itself in this book is sort of a feminist novel set it 1862, I personally don’t like feminist novels, so it might explain why I didn’t like this book as much as I wanted to.

I Give This Book 2 / 5

“Orlando” By Virginia Woolf Review

‘The longest and most charming love letter in literature’, playfully constructs the figure of Orlando as the fictional embodiment of Woolf’s close friend and lover, Vita Sackville-West. Spanning three centuries, the novel opens as Orlando, a young nobleman in Elizabeth’s England, awaits a visit from the Queen and traces his experience with first love as England under James I lies locked in the embrace of the Great Frost. At the midpoint of the novel, Orlando, now an ambassador in Constantinople, awakes to find that he is now a woman, and the novel indulges in farce and irony to consider the roles of women in the 18th and 19th centuries. As the novel ends in 1928, a year consonant with full suffrage for women. Orlando, now a wife and mother, stands poised at the brink of a future that holds new hope and promise for women.

Here we go again talking about a classic which didn’t work for me. Even thou 99% of the classic books I read don’t work me, I sometimes stumble across amazing books as “The Great Gatsby”. But this book is very far from that in my opinion.

Even thou I didn’t have a lot of exceptions for this book, I still managed some how to get disappointed in this book. I hear a lot of both good and bad about this book. And after having reading this one I can honestly say that it is truly bad in my opinion. 

The copy I got of this book has 298 pages, and all of these pages were descriptions of things that were happening and doing so the author of this book forgot about the plot. 

The plot in this book is almost none existing, I write this book 2 days after finishing this book and I can fully say that I don’t know what this book was about because the amount of descriptions in this book over rule the plot in this book.

However the writing style in this book was very very good which truly made me happy because it was the only good thing about this book in my opinion.

When it comes to the characters in this book, I can tell you that they are very flat, boring and you wont remember them after finishing this book. Even during reading this book I couldn’t name even one character that was in this book.

A lot of people on the internet call this book “the longest and most charming love-letter in literature”, but if I received a love letter like this, I would beat the shit of the person who wrote that letter to me. Because it was so awful and it didn’t make any sense to me.

This book was my first book written by Virginia Wolf, and if the rest of her work are like this one, I wont continue my adventure with her work. 

I Give This Book 1 / 5

“Wuthering Heights” By Emily Brontë Review

At the centre of this novel is the passionate love between Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff – recounted with such emotional intensity that a plain tale of the Yorkshire moors acquires the depth and simplicity of ancient tragedy.

Ive heard a lot of good about this book, so I finally decided to read it. I had no expectations for this book and the book really surprised me because it was good.

The plot it this book is very unique because it is about two characters with bad temperaments. Well what can go wrong there right ? It is for sure very unique and original, which really made me like it more than I should.

The plot in this book is dark and it is more or less pretty fucked up. I personally had hard time trying to find the “romantic” part about this book. There are some very sweet lines here and there in this book but other than that there is no romance in this book.

The characters in this book, were very good and they had so much depth into them. I really liked them even thou I wasn’t the biggest fan of them. But there was a part of me which really related to them in some weird way.

The writing style in this book was very amazing here, the old writing style together with the old English really set a comfortable mood to it. And it was like the author knew exactly what words to use to grab my attention.

However there were couple of things which I didn’t like about this book. One of these things I didn’t like was Heathcliff’s obsession if you will for Catherine. 

This book is full of revenge moves, toxic relationships and misery. But in a way these things was what made me like this book, and grab my attention to the ending.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“The Beautiful and Damned” By F. Scott Fitzgerald Review

It describes a handsome young man and his beautiful wife, who gradually degenerate into a shopworn middle age while they wait for the young man to inherit a large fortune. Ironically, they finally get it, when there is nothing of them left worth preserving.

I love this book a lot. In my opinion it doesn’t live up to “the great Gatsby” which is my favourite book of all time, but this book is for course one of the best books I’ve read last year.

This book takes place in New York during the “Jazz Age” which I find myself to love more and more to read about. 

The fact that this book is F. Scott Fitzgerald second novel is mind-blowing to me because it feels like it was written by a author with huge experience in writing novels. Which really makes me love this book even more.

The writing style here is amazing, it felt like the author knew exactly what words to use to grab my attention and interested and to not let them go until the very end.

All of the characters in this book are incredible. Because they feel like real human being who were alive during the “Jazz Age” in New York City. All of the characters in this book have huge dept to them and they all have something very unique about them.

The ending in this book was very unexpected but at the same time it was very satisfying because it really gave us what the entire book was building up to. 

This book portrays the “jazz era” very realistically and without restraint and embellishments.

The plot in this book is very sad and depressing. And the fact that the Gloria and Anthony were heavily inspired by the author’s life and his wife, makes it even more brutally sad.

I Give This Book 4 / 5

“Persuasion” By Jane Austen Review

Persuasion is Jane Austen’s last completed novel. She began it soon after she had finished Emma, completing it in August 1816. She died, aged 41, in 1817; Persuasion was published in December that year (but dated 1818). Persuasion is linked to Northanger Abbey not only by the fact that the two books were originally bound up in one volume and published together, but also because both stories are set partly in Bath, a fashionable city with which Austen was well acquainted, having lived there from 1801 to 1805.

This book is quite an okay book from Jane Austen. Its not as good as some of her other books. But it is still pretty okay.

This book is short and quick to read. And it is interesting and enjoyable. If you are looking for a book to read which is slow and relaxing to read then this book is your go-to here.

The plot here talks about the main character being in love man who happens to be captain. Which is the plot for every book written by Jane Austen. But her books are cringey as the modern day romance book. Which is the reason why I like Jane Austen so much. But the main character is forced to marry someone else. And when she meets the captain again years later all her feelings for him come to live again.

There was something unique about this book which made me give this book some extra points. This book really became clued to my mind after I finished it. 

The characters here was pretty good, even thou it they weren’t the best character I’ve seen, I still had some good time with them.

The writing style here was pretty good and I love it. Jane Austen was a very good author and you can truly see it in her writing style the most.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“The Gambler” By Fyodor Dostoevsky Review

In this dark and compelling short novel, Dostoevsky tells the story of Alexey Ivanovitch, a young tutor working in the household of an imperious Russian general. Alexey tries to break through the wall of the established order in Russia, but instead becomes mired in the endless downward spiral of betting and loss. His intense and inescapable addiction is accentuated by his affair with the General’s cruel yet seductively adept niece, Polina. In The Gambler, Dostoevsky reaches the heights of drama with this stunning psychological portrait.

Yet again another Dostoevsky book which haven’t quite worked for me personally. 

This book had for sure a unique plot which really surprised me. Even thou the plot here was unique it didn’t grab my attention nor my interested in it.

The characters here were pretty flat and shallow. I found ever character in this book to be very boring and uninteresting and I just didn’t bother remembering their names. Because one of the issues I have with the characters in this book is that they feel like the same character but in different clothes.

This book gives us some very bad and at the same time very predictable advices if you will about the dangers of gambling. 

The writing style in this book was far from being great but in my opinion the writing style was the best part of this book. 

In my opinion this book dragged for far too long. There might be just me not being a fan of classics but that’s just my opinion.

This book had some good moments here and there, but these moments were very rare and it really wasn’t enough for me.

The narration style here was far from the best, and at the very best it was bad. Again it might be just me again not being fan of the majority of classics. 

I Give This Book 2 / 5

“The Double” By Fyodor Dostoevsky Review

In The Double, the protagonist, Golyadkin senior, is persecuted by his double, Golyadkin junior, who resembles him closely in almost every detail. The latter abuses the former with mounting scorn and brutality as the tale proceeds toward its frightening denouement. Characteristic Dostoyevskyan themes of helplessness, victimization, and scandal are beautifully handled here with an artistry that qualifies the story as a small masterpiece.

Why is it so hard to find a Dostoevsky book which I will actually enjoy? 

As you may expect I didn’t like this book a lot, I think it was okay to read but unfortunately nothing more than that.

The beginning and middle of this book were quite interesting. But the more you get closer to the end, the worse this book becomes in my opinion. The middle was really got to grab your attention but the longer to further into this book you got the more confusing it got. 

The ending went really down the hill in this book. Because there was a lot of things happening and well the writing style doesn’t make it better. The ending in a way left me confused and not knowing what to think about this book. Because it was all over the place in my opinion. 

The writing style in this book was very heavy, and as someone who isn’t accustomed to read so heavy books I got a little confused at times. But still in overall opinion it was really Dostoevsky to write in such a heavy way.

The plot in this book is a little all over the place, and well it was for sure very unique. The plot in this book will for sure leave you scratching your head over it that’s what at least happened to me.

The main character in this book overused way too much the person’s name to whom he is speaking when he is speaking to that person. He is also in need of medical treatment. 

And the rest of the character were really a blur, because they were there but we didn’t get to know a lot about them. So I really can’t say a lot about them.

The narrator here is a odd one for sure. Because the narrator is all over the place and is very unreliable. And this in a way leaves us in a unsure state about the main character in this book.

Even thou I wasn’t the biggest fan of this book, I see what Dostoevsky was trying to do here. 

I Give This Book 2 / 5

“Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime” By Oscar Wilde Review

‘He was not blind to the fact that murder, like the religions of the Pagan world, requires a victim as well as a priest…’ Wilde’s supremely witty tale of dandies, anarchists and a murderous prophecy in London high society.

This book had really surprised me a lot because I haven’t expected this book to be as good as it actually was.

The book is very short but there is a lot of things happening in this book, which will make you interesting and even chuckle at times because of how bad luck the main character has in his actions.

The plot here is pretty strange, because it feels like there is a little happening but at the same time it feels like there is a lot of things happening.

The ending has a strange turn of the events which I personally liked a lot. The ending itself made me give this book an extra star. 

The characters here are pretty flat, and all of the characters seems pretty boring and uninteresting.

The writing style here was pretty okay, even thou it had the potential to be better Oscar Wilde haven’t used it.

It was my first book written by Oscar Wilde so I can say what type of author he was or anything about his other work because I haven’t read any of them at the time of writing this review.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“How Much Land Does a Man Need?” By Leo Tolstoy Review

The story of a greedy peasant named Pakhom. Although Pakhom enjoys health and family happiness, he feels dissatisfied when he learns of the grand fortunes of his relatives. He decides to go on a quest for more land, only to find that with each new acquisition new problems develop… How Much Land Does A Man Need? gives a delightful insight into old Russian values

This book is a very quick read. My copy of this book has only 55 pages which means that it can be read in a hour or so.

The plot here was very weak in my opinion. Because it is very short and all the plot talks about is human greed. And how some people just want more and more in society which is true. But the way it was portrayed really makes me not like this book a lot.

The perspective here didn’t feel like something written by Tolstoy but rather it felt like something written by a new author trying to poorly write as Tolstoy.

If you never read anything written by Tolstoy then this book isn’t the place to begin the journey with him. Because this book has to be the weakest book written by him ive read so far.

I can’t say a lot about the characters in this book, because we don’t get to know them a lot in only 55 or so pages.

The writing style in this book was very weak in my opinion and well there isn’t much I can say about the writing style because we get so few pages. 

I Give This Book 1 / 5