“You Should See Me in a Crown” By Leah Johnson Review

Liz Lighty has always believed she’s too black, too poor, too awkward to shine in her small, rich, prom-obsessed midwestern town. But it’s okay — Liz has a plan that will get her out of Campbell, Indiana, forever: attend the uber-elite Pennington College, play in their world-famous orchestra, and become a doctor.

This book is a good example on why you should trust Tik Tok on anything especially on the books topics. Ive seen this book going around on Bok Took since it first came out, and let me be honest with you this book isn’t worth all recommendations which it gets nor is it worth your time or money which you will spend on this book.

The whole book revolves about high school prom, I personally were never a fan of high school proms or high school in general, so of course having the main topic of this book being high school prom wouldn’t go well with me.

The plot in this book was very boring and uninteresting, and at a lot of moment sit was very cringy, as you would expect from a book revolving around high school prom.

The characters in this book were very generic characters, and they felt like the same character because they didn’t have personality or anything which would make them stand out from the rest of the characters. 

There was one character which was always around, but still I cant remember who she was or what was her deal with always being around. She was very annoying and sort of a creep because she always there when anything happened at the high school.

All of the characters in this book are also very inconsistently written, that it starts to be funny. Because there were a lot of moments where 2 characters would have this huge fight over something stupid and then in the next sentence they would be best friends and instantly forget about the fight they just had.

All of the character are like 16- 17 years old but they seem like 6 and 7 year olds because they are immature and silly and joking about stupid things all the time. 

The writing style here was very horrible, even for a Young adult book. Its hard to explain it because you could see that the author was trying at least to have good writing style but it just didn’t happen here

I Give This Book 1 / 5

“Shatter Me” By Tahereh Mafi Review

Juliette hasn’t touched anyone in exactly 264 days. The last time she did, it was an accident, but The Reestablishment locked her up for murder. No one knows why Juliette’s touch is fatal. As long as she doesn’t hurt anyone else, no one really cares. The world is too busy crumbling to pieces to pay attention to a 17-year-old girl. Diseases are destroying the population, food is hard to find, birds don’t fly anymore, and the clouds are the wrong color.

I personally have a lot of mixed feelings about this book, because on the one side it is very interesting but on the other side it seems to be pretty generic YA book. Which means that I am torn in half on this book. 

This book gave me huge x-men vibes as well as the hunger games vibes which is really intriguing because these two things are different. After reading this book I can say honestly that this book isn’t bad nor good. 

The beginning of this book was very intriguing, which really grabbed my attention which of course made me give this some extra points. However the middle part of this book went downhill a little bit. And when we come closer and closer to the end, it becomes more and more disappointing. Because this book builds up to a big and very interesting ending which in my opinion this book doesn’t give us when we get to it.

The writing style here was good, to be honest I didn’t except the writing style to be so good as it was, which on its own made me like this book more. But at the same time the writings style in this book is strange in a way, because you cant explain it but you are left with a weird feeling about it.

When it comes to the main character of this book which is Juliette. I had some issues with her at the beginning of this book, because she had a huge obsession with numbers, but the further I got into this book the more I started to liking her. Its important to say that she isn’t the best character which I came across of. But she is a good character for a ya series.

I personally think that Juliette being the main character adds to the plot. Because there is something unique about her, and the more we get to know her the more we like her and the plot.

The rest of the characters in this book are surprisingly good, which rally surprised me because I cant remember the last time I liked all of the characters in a book. You can really tell that this book has a unique personality which really makes them a likable character even if they are the bad guy of the story.

The plot in this book is not a masterpiece, but it is interesting and enjoyable. If you are looking for a book to read while you cuddle up on the couch or in bed, then this book is the go-to here. The plot isn’t complicated and you don’t really need a lot of brain power to enjoy it.

I Give This Book 3 / 5

“After We Collided” By Anna Todd Review

Tessa has everything to lose. Hardin has nothing to lose… except her. Hardin will always be… Hardin. But is he really the deep, thoughtful guy Tessa fell madly in love with despite his angry exterior—or has he been a stranger all along? She wishes she could walk away. It’s just not that easy. Not with the memory of passionate nights spent in his arms. His electric touch. His hungry kisses.

Another book in the After series is finished. And I need to come clean here and say that with each passing book so far in this series I love this series more and more. Which is really strange because when I started reading this series I was expecting to hate it but it being two books deep in this series I love it more and more.

One of the reason why I love this book (and this whole series) is because it feels so real, and not like fiction. Hardin’s and Tessa’s relationship feels like a real life relationship and all of the characters feels like real human beings which is the reason why this book (and whole series so far) has me head over heels for it.

Both Tessa and Hardin gets more depth to them in this book than what they had in the first book. But they also become much more likeable. And you can truly see the changes which happen to them with each passing book in this series.

And the rest of the characters keeps improving from the first book just as Tessa and Hardin did. Which really makes me fall in love with this book (and this whole seres) more and more.

In this book we also get very little of Tessa’s mother which really makes me so glad, because I really hate Tessa’s mother because she is so manipulative and even more toxic than Hardin. And the less we get from Tessa’s mother the more happier I become.

In a way this book is much better than the first book in this series, because this book is the first book which made me cry couple of times which really never happened before.

This book have so many ups and downs that you really lose track of them. But in a way all of these ups and downs we get in this book make this book feel so much as real life which 

The writing style in this book is very easy and simple. Which really makes this book to a really quick read even thou this book has around 700 pages which depends on which version of this book you get.

This book is longer than the first book in this series. But the moment you get into it, it just flys by way to quickly. Because you get so sucked into the book that you can’t stop reading it and before you know it you have finished it. So if you loved the first book in this series as much as I did don’t be afraid of the bigger size of this book because it will be a very quick read.

This book is just as addictive as the first book, because even thou I wasn’t reading this book for days at end I couldn’t stop thinking about this book and what would happen next in this book. Which really happens rarely to me when it comes to being addicted to a single book.

This book took me longer time to finish than the first book because I read it slowly because I didn’t want the book to end because it was so fucking perfect.

The ending leaves us on a huge cliffhanger just as the first book did. But this time the cliffhanger doesn’t involve Tessa’s and Hardin’s relationship but something else which is closely related to Tessa. 

I Give This Book 5 / 5

“The Return: Midnight” By L.J. Smith Review

The devil you know. With the help of charming and devious Damon, Elena rescued her vampire love, Stefan, from the depths of the Dark Dimension. But neither brother returned unscathed. Stefan is weak from his long imprisonment and needs more blood than Elena alone can give him, while a strange magic has turned Damon into a human. Savage and desperate, Damon will do anything to become a vampire again, even travel back to hell. But what will happen when he accidentally takes Bonnie with him?

I need to say that this book is far from the best book in this series. The ending was very good but the rest of the book was much weaker.

Elena, is such a d-bag. She is the most selfish thoughtless character I’ve ever read about (so far at least). There is one point in this book where she gets jealous when Damon takes Bonnie instead of her to a upside down version of the world. Even thou she spent the previous 5 books telling us how much she loves Stefan and how much she hates Damon.

When it comes to Stefan, he would be a very good character if he wasn’t acting like a child who is blind with love for Elena. And makes every possible excuse for her mistakes.

Bonnie is a very weak, helpless and dumb character. She basically is like a 6 year old girl not a teenager.

The only character who is interesting in this entire book is Meredith however we don’t get to learn a lot about her because this book focuses on the love triangle between Elena, Stefan and Damon.

The plot in this book was boring and uninteresting. And after reading this book, I couldn’t believe that this series was the motivation of the TV show which I really enjoyed.

The other thing about this plot is that this book is the 3 book about the gang fighting the kitsune and his sibling.  It’s like this series can’t move past this, and stretches a very boring topic endlessly.

The writing style here was very good, it was easily the best thing about this book, and it played a role in me giving a higher rating than I wanted to.

I Give This Book 2 / 5

“The Fault in Our Stars” By John Green Review

Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel’s story is about to be completely rewritten. Insightful, bold, irreverent, and raw, The Fault in Our Stars is award-winning author John Green’s most ambitious and heartbreaking work yet, brilliantly exploring the funny, thrilling, and tragic business of being alive and in love.

This book has to be the best YA book I’ve read so far. I really had low expectations for this book before Ive started reading it, but almost insatiately when I began reading this book I fall in love with it.

Reading this book was an absolute roller coaster of emotions to be fully honest with you. Because I really went from being happy, to fall in love with Gus to be fully hard broken at the end. 

The love story between Hazel and Gus is just amazing. Even thou they are both sick they still find a way to be together and to enjoy the time they have left.

The plot in this book is truly sad, heartbreaking and at the same time very satisfying in a way. There is something very unique about it and there is something which will make you fall in love with it.

The writing style here is amazing. It truly adds more to this story. The writing style is very easy. Which makes it very enjoyable and quick read.

The characters in this book are truly amazing. There is something which makes them feel like they are real human beings. We get to know Hazel’s thoughts and emotions which really adds a depth to her. But it also makes her to such a likeable character. 

And Gus is such easy going, and his obsessions with metaphors really made him so easy to like character.

The ending in this book is truly heartbreaking, because we truly don’t see it coming until it actually happens. It truly made me very sad, and I needed couple of days to process this book before writing this review.

I Give This Book 5 / 5

“Always and Forever, Lara Jean” By Jenny Han Review

Lara Jean is having the best senior year. And there’s still so much to look forward to: a class trip to New York City, prom with her boyfriend Peter, Beach Week after graduation, and her dad’s wedding to Ms. Rothschild. Then she’ll be off to college with Peter, at a school close enough for her to come home and bake chocolate chip cookies on the weekends. Life couldn’t be more perfect! At least, that’s what Lara Jean thinks until she gets some unexpected news. Now the girl who dreads change must rethink all her plans—but when your heart and your head are saying two different things, which one should you listen to?

Now that’s what I’m talking about, the second book in this series went down from the first one but this one was like the first book which I loved when I read it.

This book is very easy, original and very easy to read. Which really made me love this book even more than what I’ve already did.

I read this book in one day, which really proves how much this book sucked me into it. 

The writing style here was very simple and easy. Which really was an amazing mix with the plot.

The plot in this book is very juicy and very sweet. The drama in this book is very high between Lara Jean and Peter’s ex. Which annoyed me because Lara Jean and Peter’s ex started a contest about which of them can embarrassed the other one more. At times it made me want to throw this book into the fire place.

The characters here are still very generic YA characters which really disappointed. But this is the only main issue with this series.

This book wasn’t as emotional as some people on the internet claim it to be in my opinion. It was just a love story between two high schoolers.

This book was very good ending to this trilogy but still I was expecting Lara Jean and Peter to break up before they went off to different universities.

However this book was just as enjoyable as the first and second book in this series. But neither this book or the first book in this series aren’t very hard reads but rather a book where you can turn your brain off.

I Give This Book 5 / 5

“Shadow Souls” By L.J. Smith Review

Elena Gilbert’s love, the vampire Stefan Salvatore, has been captured and imprisoned by demonic spirits who are wreaking havoc in Fell’s Church. While her friends Bonnie and Meredith explore the evil that has taken over their town, Elena goes in search of Stefan. In order to find him, she entrusts her life to Stefan’s brother, Damon Salvatore, the handsome but deadly vampire who wants Elena, body and soul. Along with her childhood friend Matt, they set out for the slums of the Dark Dimension, where Stefan is being held captive. It is rumored to be a world where vampires and demons roam free, but humans must live enslaved to their supernatural masters. Elena will stop at nothing to free Stefan. Yet with each passing day the tension between Elena and Damon grows, and she is faced with a terrible decision: Which brother does she really want?

To be fully honest here I’ve had some expectations for this book which this book didn’t live up to.

The first 2/3 of this book were super boring and I was many times very near DNF-ing this book but I didn’t, which I happy that I didn’t because the last 1/3 of this book was worth it. To be fully honest I’ve heard of better fan-fictions better than the first 2 / 3 of this book.

The last 1/3 of this book was super interesting and enjoyable, and it really was a page turner. 

The first 2/3 of this book was really a waist of time because it could have been sliced down to few chapters. Because the majority of what happened in the first 2/3 of this book was just talk between Damon, Elena, Bonnie and Meredith. 

However reading this book after the first book in the “the vampire diaries: the return” trilogy I must say that this book wasn’t half bad as the first book in this trilogy was.

The characters here, improves and become better but also make better decisions than they did in the previous books. To be honest this book is the first book in the vampire dairies book series that didn’t make me want to hit my head against a wall because of the dumb decisions made my characters.

The writing style here was easily the best thing from this whole book. Because it felt more like seeing the plot happening before your eyes than reading a book. I personally love when this happen. 

I Give This Book 2 / 5

“P.S. I Still Love You” By Jenny Han Review

They were just pretending. Until they weren’t. And now Lara Jean has to learn what it’s like to be in a real relationship and not just a make-believe one. But when another boy from her past returns to her life, Lara Jean’s feelings for him suddenly return too. Can a girl be in love with two boys at once? In this charming and heartfelt sequel to the New York Times bestseller To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, Lara Jean is about to find out that falling in love is the easy part.

This second book is very easy, original and very easy to read in the same way as the first book in this series. Which really made me love this book even more than what I’ve already did.  

The plot in this book is very juicy and very sweet. And the drama her is higher than in the first book in this series. It really made me enjoy this book less than the first book but I still liked it a lot.

I read this book in one day, which really proves how much this book sucked me into it. 

The writing style here was very simple and easy. Which really was an amazing mix with the plot.

After having the original and unique love story in the first book, this book have disappointed me. Because in this book the original and unique love story turned into a very generic love story between high schoolers who are fighting about parties and who they sitt with at the bus.

There is a lot of moments were Lara Jean and Petter fight like insane people and they overthink every single think which really annoyed me. This book felt like it was more like a relationship going back than anything else.

This book wasn’t as emotional as some people on the internet claim it to be in my opinion. It was just a love story between two high schoolers.

This second book still focus a lot about the importance of family and friends which I really loved about this book and it made me still glad that this book was also not about dating the most popular guy at high school.

However this book was just as enjoyable as the first book. But neither this book or the first book in this series aren’t very hard reads but rather a book where you can turn your brain off.

I Give This Book 4 / 5

“The Return: Nightfall” By L.J. Smith Review

Now that a supernatural force has brought Elena back from the dead, all handsome, brooding Stefan wants is to keep her safe. But when he is lured away from Fell’s Church, sleek, powerful Damon seizes his chance to win Elena over, unaware of the danger they’re both in. A malevolent being has infiltrated the town and is growing stronger. Able to possess Damon at will, the creature is also drawn to Elena and the new power she has acquired. But it’s after more than Elena’s power: It thirsts for her death.

This book is the first book in the “The Vampire Diaries: The Return” series which is a continuation of the first 4 books in this series. 

This book take place a day or 2 after the events of book 4 in this series. It took me a more time to finish this book than the previous 4 books in this series. And in my opinion this book is so far the weakest book in The Vampire Diaries book series. 

The majority of this book happened to be boring, and only the last 40 pages were very interesting. But the 90% of this book feels like the author trying to fill up the space and have a long book. 

The beginning of this book was somehow cute but it could have been interesting but it turned out to be pretty boring with some cute moments here and there. And the middle part of this book was super boring and all I wanted is to skip it but of course I couldn’t. 

The characters here become more likeable and more enjoyable. And the characters also become more relatable. 

The plot here was very weird and I honestly needed to think about for couple of days before I’ve began writing this review. The plot here was super weird and very random which really surprised me because I wasn’t expecting it. But this in a way got me more interested to continue to read this series which I will do.

The writing style here was very easy as in the previous books. And it really made a good mix with the easy and strange plot. 

To be fully honest this book felt more like a fan fiction than a continuation of the first 4 books in this series.

This book didn’t end at a cliffhanger it rather felt like it was a happy ending to the series. But of course it isn’t since there are more books in this series. Which really made me disappoint because it really doesn’t give us a reason to continue to read the series.

I Give This Book 2 / 5

“The Awakening / The Struggle” By L.J. Smith Review

A DEADLY LOVE TRIANGLE Elena: the golden girl, the leader, the one who can have any boy she wants. Stefan: brooding and mysterious, he seems to be the only one who can resist Elena, even as he struggles to protect her from the horrors that haunt his past. Damon: sexy, dangerous, and driven by an urge for revenge against Stefan, the brother who betrayed him. Determined to have Elena, he’d kill to possess her. Collected here in one volume for the first time, volumes one and two of The Vampire Diaries, the tale of two vampire brothers and the beautiful girl torn between them.

This book contains the first and the second book in the “Vampire Diaries” series. Both of them I’ve already reviewed.

I found myself enjoying the first and second book. And they kept me wanting to continue reading this series. I enjoyed the second more than the first book maybe because we get much more vampire content.

The book series is much different than the TV show. But I don’t mind that because somehow I like the book series better but I still picture every character as the actor who played the character in the tv show.

The plot here in both books is YA style but I found myself enjoying it much more than I’ve expected.  The plot first and second book doesn’t take a lot of brain power. However the word “Vampire” wasn’t even once said in the first or the second book. Maybe in the third book it will happen.

The writing style in both books is very simple and easy just as the plot. And they play very good along in a way. 

I Give This Book 5 / 5